Cake display and culmination of the course 馃巶馃馃嵃 Exhibici贸n de tortas y culminaci贸n del curso (Eng - Esp)



Greetings @womentribe community, I hope you are healthy and happy with your loved ones and have an excellent week, after a break for various reasons and occupations, it is a pleasure to share my visit to the pastry exhibition where different communities presented the project At the end of the course, the cakes were beautiful as well as the decoration with children's themes, roses and butterflies.


Saludos comunidad @womentribe, deseo se encuentren sanos y felices en uni贸n de sus seres queridos y tengan una excelente semana, luego de una pausa por diversos motivos y ocupaciones, es un placer compartir mi visita a la exp贸sici贸n de reposter铆a donde diferentes comunidades presentaron el proyecto final del curso, las tortas estaban hermosas as铆 como la decoraci贸n con tem谩ticas infantiles, rosas y mariposas.

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The flavors were varied and delicious; Among them, my favorites were strawberry with peanut butter, chocolate with vanilla and pumpkin with pineapple, the latter is a delicious combination as well as a soft and spongy cake, there was also cake, cookies and jams; These exhibitions aim to show the work carried out by the members of the courses and at the same time motivate attendees to participate in the training and entrepreneurship workshops to contribute to the family economy.

Los sabores eran variados y deliciosos; entre ellos mis favoritos fueron fresa con crema de man铆, chocolate con vainilla y auyama con pi帽a, esta 煤ltima es una deliciosa combinaci贸n adem谩s un el bizcocho suave y esponjoso, tambi茅n hab铆a ponqu茅, galletas y mermeladas; estas exposiciones tienen como objetivo mostrar el trabajo que realizan los integrantes de los cursos y a la vez motivar a los asistentes a participar en los talleres de formaci贸n y emprendimiento para contribuir con la econom铆a familiar

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Translated with

  All images are my own, captured by a S铆ragon LC-3000 camera. 
   Todas las im谩genes son de mi autor铆a, capturadas por una c谩mara S铆ragon LC-3000.
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