Never say never! An unforgettable Sunday

How could you do this to me, i thought you were my friend?
And she replied never say never it cant happen to me because it can be anyone.

That was the response i got from a trusted friend who disappointed me and lead me to destruction.

The last time i told you guys about Ruth my beloved friend who has been there through thick and thin but i have another friend who caused me to lose my virginity without my consent.

Its a very sad story of mine but it thought me a lesson that i will never forget, and this prompt just took my mind back to what Iinda my friend said to me after disappointing me.

The story.

I meet Linda during my first week in nursing school, she was very beautiful and jovial, she looked God-fearing and humble but she allowed greed to overtake her love for me.

I was very intelligent during my nursing program, in six months i was able to learn what people who had spent a year couldn't learn, during exams i was the best student, and this was as a result of my determination and commitment to my course.

From childhood i loved nursing profession so i gave it all my best and that made me the best student, and i was bent on doing my best to become more better.

Least did i know that Linda was jealous of my achievements, i had so many roles as a student but she heard non, she will always praise and encourage me, little did i know that she was 🤥 fake until she hurt me so bad that i fill the pain till date.

As her jealousy increases she couldn't stand my growth and success, the most touching part is that she is from a very rich family and my own family were very poor, she paid her school fees first while i will always beg the school till my parents gets mine for me to pay but i never jealous her for even a day, but she was bent on destroying me.

Linda gave me the shock of my life

At some point she started asking me some personal questions, i didn't have a second thought because i thought we were friends and she loves me but she was looking for opportunities to destroy my life.

So one day she asked me,
Are you still a virgin?
I replied "yes am still a virgin"
She said why?
I replied "because i vowed not to give my virginity to a man who's not my husband "
She said "ahhhh really
I said yes naa

So in everything she came to conclusion that my virginity was very important to me and taken it away from me will really hurt and destabilize me from my studies.

After a long time of like two to three months we had that discussion, infact i have forgotten because i was not thinking that she was looking for opportunities to hurt me.

One Friday after school she asked me to come to a place on Sunday afternoon, she said she wanted me to join her to visit a friend of her's, so I asked her if its a guy or a lady, she said "a lady of course", so innocently i accepted because I had nothing to do at home that Sunday.

When i got home i told Ruth and she was like hmmmm how do you trust Linda that much I told her Linda can't hurt me, we have been friends for long.
Ruth said "Never say nothing can happen" be careful

In my head i was thinking Ruth was jealous so i asked her if she wants to join me lets go together and and she accepted.


It was Sunday we dressed and left to meet with Linda, she took us to a friend's house where a house party was happening, I never knew everything was planned, when we got there the environment was not too bad because it was just the girlfriends boyfriend that was in there.
Linda gave us drink and we never knew it was drugged, we drank but Ruth wasn't comfortable with the drink and everything so she took just a little and the pills didn't get to her much.

After a while we slept off and that was how i lost my virginity to a person i never wanted to be friends with, a driver who has been disturbing me for friendship and i said noooooo.

He paid Linda to get me down, and Linda took that opportunity to see if she can destroy my career but unfortunately she couldn't.

Unfortunately I couldn't tell my parents what i went through because they will want to kill me, and we don't even have money to go to the police for anything, so i was just dying silently, for months even years i couldn't get myself.

Linda's response.

A week after i confronted Linda and she said that i was boasting with my virginity, I was the most intelligent student in my school so she wanted to let me understand that anything can happen at anytime, and it can happen to anyone.
So never say never in your life

Well Linda was expelled from school but she was happy to have achieved her goals because my life never remained the same and I regret trusting her till this moment am typing this content, yes it has been years but the stigma hasn't left me.

Just be careful who your friends are Never say never

Thank you all.

All images are mine.

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