A beautiful night with the best company for a walk.


I always say that there is no better thing than good company, beyond the place, for a good walk. Although I also like solitary walks.

But summer has arrived, well actually it arrived a few days ago, but I started it later, and with summer the evening walks with my cat son.

He loves to walk, watch and be aware of every movement of everything.



This year he will be twelve years old, so I only go for walks with him when it's warm at night, as he got sick from the cold about two years ago and I don't want the same thing to happen to him.



He used to spend the whole day in a beautiful big garden, but now I live in a flat and although he has adapted to it, it is true that he is not used to being outdoors. So now we both go for walks on warm evenings three times a week.

I once said that I don't walk Tony, he walks me, and I repeat this. We go wherever he wants, he guides me on the way.




The night was calm, it wasn't too hot, it was ideal.

I carry him on my shoulder like a parrot... always on his leash, and he holds on tight to me until we get to the park or walk.

Once we get there he leads the walk. Which stone he wants to sit on to look at, which path to follow, which plant to look at.



And above all he chooses who touches him. People who walk their dogs around the place or who are just passing by see him and ask me if they can touch him, what his name is and so on.

Normally he is docile and allows himself to be touched by people, but he is not used to children and when he sees them running and screaming he gets scared, much more than with the puppies.

He looks at them and looks at them and if they come too close I put him on my shoulder so he knows he is safe.



He is a big cat and he is heavy, about five kilos, but I carry him well and he is very comfortable looking down from the height.

On the walk he takes me to every rock he finds, to sit there and watch everything, he pays a lot of attention.

Then he comes down and eats some grass, although I have cat grass at home, it seems to taste different.

On the walk he has to smell every tree, he has to know who passed by.





In the middle of the walk there is a big gate that belongs to the university facilities and both that place and the rest is very well lit, it is a special place to walk the pets, get some fresh air as there are many plants or just walk around.

The traffic lights adorn the cityscape with their lights, giving colours to the night and generating beautiful green and red reflections on things. The yellow is short-lived.




This place is very beautiful and quiet and Tony loves it because the stones are so high and big and he feels safe.



Many times I sit with him for a while and I love to take pictures of him, because he is very photogenic and if I pay attention he stays very still and I can take excellent pictures of him.

At other times it's impossible, he moves so much, for example, when he walks and they sit in the grass, where the pictures come out all shaky.



I really enjoy the walks with Tony, he needs them and they do me a lot of good, it's a moment of relaxation and a special connection. As you know I love cats.

But through these walks the connection is stronger because he trusts that I am always by his side.



When he is tired he simply stays in one place, lifts his head, looks at me and meows. That's a sign that he wants to go home. I put him on my shoulder and we start our way back.

He decides where to go and how long the walk takes and I enjoy it very much because I adore him.

And this has been the first walk of the summer with Tony. Happy to have shared it with you.

Many greetings to all of you.

All photographs are my own.

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