Hive Learners Author Of The Week - 37

Good day everyone! This is going to be 37th week of Hive Learners Author Of The Week campaign.

So What is The Author of The Week About?

The Author of the Week is about selecting every week four great contents shared from our weekly prompt in the community for you to check out, engage and vote for your best contest through polls on Hive from leofinance threads. This way, we encourage authors to be active and be the best in their content creation.


How Would The Initiative Run?

  • 4 Posts would be selected from the weekly prompt questions
  • Every Thursday night, we would be sharing announcements for the selected authors
  • Polls would be drawn on Leo threads to choose your best Author
  • 60% reward of that weekly post would be distributed between Most Popular Author & Best Author of the Week

How Do You Vote?

  • First make sure you have your hive account logged in to
  • The polls link would be shared in the announcement posts and also via our Discord Channel


DIY air freshener for Creative-Sunday!

If you've ever wanted to get an air freshener without having to spend too much getting one, @mitch18 showed us how we could get one, using some basic things that we already have at home.


The progress of civilization: Creation vs Destruction.

@gwajnberg talks about civilization and how we humans, as a species, have been able to advance on all walks of life, even to the extent of exploring other planets. He also tells us about the Internet and how he feels it's humans' greatest invention.


In Advancement, Have We Lost Balance between Civilization and Nature?

@aslamrer also talks about civilization and also about its pros and cons. Some of his pros include the advancement of technology, while the cons talks about nature and how it's dying.


The Yin and Yang of Civilization

@terganftp shared his beautiful post with us. He talked about how civilization was a blend of positives and negatives and it was up to us as individuals to strike a balance between them. There is good and there is bad, we can't avoid either. But with balance, we'll find it easier to live with them.


Here are the four posts for voting via leothread polls:-

@mitch18DIY air freshener for Creative-Sunday!
@gwajnbergThe progress of civilization: Creation vs Destruction.
@aslamrerIn Advancement, Have We Lost Balance between Civilization and Nature?
@terganftpThe Yin and Yang of Civilization

Time To Vote

After voting your favorite post (based on overall content quality and engagement of that particular week), you must share your thoughts and expressions in detail under this post, regarding why you've decided to choose that particular post. This would be a source of encouragement for the authors. Also, we will be upvoting few detailed & thoughtful comments with Lazy Panda curation trail

Most Popular Author

There were 10 votes in total in the previous week's poll. @jane1289 has been selected as previous week's Most Popular Author of the Week based on public polling.

Best Author

@jane1289 has been selected as the best author of the previous week by a judging panel of the community. Congratulations to both of them and the reward would be distributed soon.

60% payout of this post will be distributed between this week's most popular author & best author selected by judge panel of the community, and 20% payout of this post will be sent to @weeklytops for marketing purpose of the campaign


Thank You

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