Knowing for Certain: Terrain Theory & 9/11

Original article: Knowing for Certain: Terrain Theory & 9/11

I know that germ theory is nonsense, I know that viruses have never been proven to exist and I know that contagion has never been proven (here is one example: Rosenau PDF), if you would also like to know I suggest reading and watching these: What Really Makes You Ill?, Virus Mania & The Viral Delusion.

I know that 9/11 was not done by controlled demolition, mini nukes, thermite or some guys with knifes using planes, if you also want to know I suggest reading these books: Where Did The Towers Go?, 9/11 Finding the Truth & 9/11 Holding the Truth and also digesting everything in this article: Understanding 9/11.

When one understands that something is not as it is claimed to be such as understanding that germ theory is complete nonsense or understanding that 9/11 was not carried out in the ways described above that does not mean that one needs to be 100% certain what that something is or be 100% certain about how something was carried out in order to prove that the something is as claimed or the thing carried out happened as described, some people think that in order for germ theory to be proven nonsense then something else must be known for certain in its place, that is idiotic, for example if I said that I know for certain that the Moon is not made out of cheese but that I do not know for certain what it is made out of then that must mean that the Moon is made out of cheese simply because I do not know for certain what it is made out of, as I said idiotic.

Fortunately for us there are people out there that have gone to great lengths to help us understand things better such as explaining what causes illness other than the theory of invisible never proven to exist monsters coming to get you and then jump from you to attack other people, if you read What Really Makes You Ill? by Dawn Lester and David Parker there is a mountain of evidence contained within that will help you gain a much better understanding of what makes people sick, does the book contain everything in the universe that could make you ill? of course not, there are no doubt things that they didn’t cover in the book and there are probably things and properties of things that have still to be discovered that could make you ill so reading it will not make you 100% certain of everything that could make you ill but it will increase your knowledge of what can and does.

The situation is similar regarding 9/11, although there is a mountain of evidence to prove what really happened on 9/11, on top of the disinformation spread not only by the mainstream propaganda channels but also by most of the alt-media there are also people who say that because Dr Wood does not point to a specific weapon or technology or where that technology was used from (the disinformation started by Steven E. Jones and spread by lots of liars in the alt-media about “space beams” was created in order to discourage people from looking at the work of Dr Wood for themselves) they think that that is proof she is wrong even though she has proven beyond a doubt that an advanced technology was used to turn most of the buildings and most everything in the buildings to a very fine dust.

To some people because terrain theory may not explain everything to do with illness and can’t instantly replace germ theory, in their programmed mind they continue to believe that invisible never proven to exist monsters are real even though it has been proven to be nonsense and with 9/11 because Dr Wood does not point to a specific weapon or technology they decide to believe in one of the nonsense versions of what happened on 9/11 instead of following the evidence to where it leads.

“He who controls the energy, controls the people. Control of energy, depending on what that energy is, can either destroy or sustain the planet.
We have a choice. And the choice is real. We can live happily and fruitfully and productively, or we can destroy the planet and die, every last one of us, along with every living being on this planet.“
Dr Judy Wood

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