Are RFK Jr. & CHD Just Another AE911Truth?

Original article: Are RFK Jr. & CHD Just Another AE911Truth?

During all this Covid nonsense I have come to understand that germ theory is complete and utter pseudoscience, here are just a few things that helped me come to this understanding:

The Viral Delusion, The End of Germ Theory, Virus Mania & What Really Makes You Ill

But that is not the main focus of this article, this article is about the similarities I am seeing between how the no virus camp is being treated by the likes of RFK Jr., Children’s Health Defense and other virus pushers and how Dr Wood and her work were treated by AE911Truth and pretty much all the rest of the so called “truth” movement which begs the question, are RFK Jr. and CHD the Covid version of AE911Truth?

To understand how Dr Wood, her work and people who tried to share knowledge of her work were treated by these people and to understand the similarities with what is going on re Covid and the treatment of the no virus people I suggest having a look through my previous article on 9/11, the most relevant information is in Andrew Johnson’s books 9/11 Finding the Truth and 9/11 Holding the Truth, the video A Face to Face interview with Dr Judy Wood, the Stop the Presses interview with Dr Wood by Mark Anderson, Video of Dr Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez confronting Richard Gage and Video discussing the censorship of Dr Wood by Wikipedia, these should help you get a clearer picture of what I mean when I ask the question, are RFK Jr. and CHD the Covid version of AE911Truth?

So, lets have a look at how RFK Jr., CHD and that crowd treat those who are exposing the fraud of not just Covid but all of virology: CHD Advisor & PR Proxy JJ Couey is in Over His Head

Children’s Health Defense latest attacks against #TeamNoVirus aren’t going so well…

Children’s Health Defense, Inc.. is an alleged 501c3 “public charity”, whose chairman is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The true nature of CHD appears to be far from charitable, despite the highly crafted iQuotemage of themselves portrayed in their glossy self-promotional literature, and at the major rallies and speaking events they host.
QuoteIn reality, it seems the true beneficiaries of this purported Charity, are not The People, but the Anonymous Major Donors, who are largely funding CHD’s operations.
These cloaked figures, hidden in shadows doubled their donations to CHD during COVID Lockdowns in 2020, to a whopping $~7 million dollars! ($6.8M)


Header 1CHD in a Nutshell:Promote the Virus Lie — Attack the Truth Tellers

CHD and Bobby Kennedy purport themselves to be oppositional to the mainstream COVID narrative.
But in fact they PROMOTE IT in many ways. They offer up a bureaucrat like Anthony Fauci as a scapegoat, a human sacrifice, while perpetuating the “Core Fraud”.

CHD employs a team of so-called “experts”, like:
👉Jeremy R. Hammond
👉James Lyons-Weiler, PhD
👉Meryl Nass, MD
and now
👉Jay Couey, PhD
… and offering private online forums for these people, who are functionally acting as PR hacks, to organize a collective character assassination of the leaders of #TeamNoVirus — Tom Cowan and Christine Massey seem to be favorite targets— and especially their message.

Quitting CHD to cure my Nausea

I used to work there as a paralegal.
I worked “within the CHD network”)
I joined in July 2021, accepting the position because I thought I could apply my knowledge of the law and my computer skills to make a real difference in the world.
I quit asking for new work ~Dec 2021.
In their court proceedings, legal briefings, and within the pages of The Defender, CHD and Bobby Kennedy claim:
The Pandemic was Real!
6M people dead worldwide!
The virus SARS-CoV-2 is REAL!
The Variants are ALL REAL!
Delta Variant!
Double the Virulence, Double the Fun!
It’s SO DEADLY it makes Godzilla look like a Girl Scout!
The BAD Kracken! … Oh My!!
PCR testing is a good alternative to mandatory Clotshots. (Not kidding!)
The Pandemic was a little bit “mismanaged”…
It’s really sickening.

CHD’s Bias can CLEARLY be seen!

If we visit CHD’s website, and use the Search function, and compare a random selection of Virus Pushers, to a random selection of people from #TeamNoVirus, a pattern jumps out at you.
Children’s Health Defense HEAVILY favors the failed and defunct “Germ Hypothesis”, which my friend Alec Zeck pointed out when he spoke before Doctors for COVID Ethics Dec 4, 2022, FAILS to meet the definition of a Theory, because the independent variable, the thing to be studied, has never been found in nature!
REMEMBER! CHD allegedly operates a NEWS site, and employs Science Journalists. CHD also employs a team of top attorneys who specialize in fraud.
IN EITHER CASE (science journalists, fraud attorneys) THERE MUST BE A FINDING OF FACT!
So in this light, can anyone offer an explanation as to why CHD is PROMOTING all of the Virus Pushers Against Clotshots, while simultaneously IGNORING, and WORSE! Maligning #TeamNoVirus?

IRONY: Search CHD for “Christine Massey”:

=> No Record Found

NO RECORD FOUND: Search the CHD website for “Christine Massey” (Irony)
Christine Massey, arguably, is doing some of the most important work exposing the CONVID Swindle.
Her work integrates both the scientific, medical, and theoretical framework developed by Perth Group, David Crowe, Kevin Corbett, Stefan Lanka, Andrew Kaufman, Tom Cowan, Mark and Sam Bailey, etc., and also the LEGAL/LAWFUL remedies purportedly being sought by attorneys like Aaron Siri, Reiner Fuellmich, Tom Renz, Patty Finn, Mary Holland, Bobby Kennedy, and the CHD team of attorneys.
(a mission they are mostly failing at, or winning cases by using complicated, technical legal arguments, without addressing the CORE FRAUD: The Fake Virus. )

Full article: CHD Advisor & PR Proxy JJ Couey is in Over His Head

Here is another good article that shows how CHD people work against the truth: Jeremy R. Hammond’s Hilarious Self-Own against Dr. Tom Cowan

Topic Covered:
1 – Jeremy Hammond’s embarrassing Self-Own, and attacks against those exposing the Germ Theory Lie, the BASIS of all “COVID Countermeasures.”
2 – Hammond’s close association with RFK, Jr.
3 – Children’s Health Defense’s pattern of Pro-Virus Bias
OMG. Gotta check out Jeremy R. Hammond’s latest half-assed hit piece against a Venerated and Respected Elder in #CampNoVirus, Dr. Tom Cowan.
It’s so bad, it’s actually what people call a “SELF-OWN”.
But great for a belly laugh!
Is Hammond the best defender of Rockefeller Allopathic Medicine / Germ Hypothesis that Big Pharma can find?
If this is the best they can do, it seems like the final days of viroLIEgy are here!
And PS: he’s promoting Obsolete, Anti-Scientific “Germ Theory”, and thus Allopathic Medicine and the Official COVID narrative, and attacking those exposing the fraud… while working for Children’s Health Defense??? 😲

What is Hammond’s purpose?

He’s attacking some of the top people in #TeamNoVirus, and perhaps more importantly, their message.
For what purpose? To prop up the crumbling edifice of Rockefeller Allopathic Medicine? To defend the GOOD CHARACTER of a scientifically bankrupt, disproven, and pseudoscientific Germ/Contagion hypothesis, which formed the basis of locking down Planet Earth for 18 months, and subjecting 8B people to all manner of “Countermeasures”?
When the history books are written about this time, the people who will be remembered are those BRAVE scientist-soldiers who exposed this fraud at great personal cost: from the late Eleni Papadopoulos-Eleopoulos, Kevin Corbett, Jon Rapporport, Andrew Kaufman, Tom Cowan, Mark & Sam Bailey, Eric Francis Coppolino, Christine Massey, and a few others.
I’m sorry to say, but all of you Defenders of the Establishment Narrative, the Status Quo, the Germ Hypothesis LIE, like James Lyons-Weiler, Jeremy R. Hammond, Jeff Green, and many many others whom I call “Virus Pushers Against Clotshots”, won’t even score a mention in a footnote.
As Dr. Tom Cowan pointed out on Jimuphy Masters’ Planned Illusion Livestream recently (Subj: on the “Settling the Virus Debate” statement): Isn’t it strange that the GREATEST opposition to the “No Virus” message is NOT coming from mainstream virologists, but from the so-called “Anti-Vax” or “Medical Freedom” communities!?

Although I like the optimism of history remembering the brave scientists and the virus pushers not even being mentioned in a footnote, going by what happened to Dr Wood and her work, being censored, ridiculed and ignored by not only the MSM but most in the alt-media I don’t hold out much hope.

The Co-opted “Medical Freedom” Movement is like the “Working Families Party” of COVID

The Great Debbie Lusignan (aka, “Sane Progressive”, who unfortunately went silent ~4 years ago) coined the term, “Democratic Party Herding Organization” (DPHO) — like MoveOn, Democratic Socialists of America, Indivisible, Justice Democrats, Citizen Action, Working Families Party, Media Matters,… there are literally hundreds of them— which all seek to corral Dems who are beginning to see the hypocrisy of the party, the criminal leadership, and the abandonment of its core base, FOR DECADES, and start seeking a way to leave the party— and Sheepdog them back into the fold.
My view is that the entire “Medical Freedom” community, or a/k/a “Anti-Vax” movement has similarly been co-opted by Gatekeepers like Del Bigtree, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Pam Popper, and Reiner Fuellmich, and the “Allopathic Medicine Herding Organizations” (AMHO) which they manage, into sheepdogging people back into the bogus, obsolete, & defunct Germ Theory / Contagion / Rockefeller “Burn – Cut – Poison” model of medicine and healing, AS THEY DISINGENUOUSLY CLAIM to be fighting the most toxic effects of these very regimes.

…. Is CHD a “Limited Hangout”?

Are CHD and Bobby Kennedy (and thus Hammond) working as agents for Big Pharma and the RAMIC? Could CHD be funded by the Medical Industrial Complex to function as a “Limited Hangout”?
A limited hangout being, according to former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the CIA Victor Marchetti, “Admitting, sometimes even volunteering, some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case”)
CHD pulled in nearly $7M in 2020, and the large donors who made that happen are SECRET.

Hammond’s troubling close association with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

As you can see below, Hammond is very closely associated with Children’s Health Defense, and seems to have a close relationship with Bobby (RFK, Jr).
Note that in the timeline below, he starts attacking the No Virus position Oct 2020, and within days goes on the “Truth” show w/Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (Season 2, Episode 7).

This is a very Interesting show to listen to. A lot is revealed here, if you listen carefully. This was at the birth of CHD’s The Defender, an online site for COVID news, which generally has a very pro-virus bias.

Shifty Hammond

One interesting thing to note is that it’s hard to pin down Hammond on any issue. He’s extremely shifty. Listen to his discussion about masks (in his chat with Bobby, linked above), for example.
Now try to answer the question,
“Is Hammond in favor of face masks?”
a) Yes!
b) No!
c) I have no idea— Hammond is all over the place.
Good luck answering!
(PS: any answer is correct)

CHD establishing their COVID strategy

We can see by Oct 2020, Bobby is already establishing his (CHD’s) approach at seeking remedy for COVID crimes in the courts:
a) Go after big players Gates, CDC, etc. (Fauci isn’t mentioned yet) with a focus on “vaccine safety” (without challenging the basis of the vaccines: the Fake Virus Narrative!)
b) Promote the bogus Lab-Leak/Bioweapon/Man-Made Virus theory Straw Man (which presumes that the Fake Virus is real), and
c) Fight the Straw Man just erected.

Bottom Line:

Don’t waste your time on Hammond. He’s a disinfo agent being paid by CHD, seemingly to benefit the Rockefeller Allopathic Medical Industrial Complex, to attack the brave scientists on #TeamNoVirus and promoting the Germ Theory / Virology lie.
When confronted with his own words, he first DENIES that he maligned Dr. Cowan, but then admitted that he did, in a self-humiliation nearly as great as the scene where Sir Robin of Camelot was mocked by his own minstrels, in the film, Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
If you want the real science, just stick with Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, Stefan Lanka, Kevin Corbett, Christine Massey, and Mark & Sam Bailey.

Full article: Jeremy R. Hammond’s Hilarious Self-Own against Dr. Tom Cowan

Another thing they have in common

Eric Coppolino Interviews Christine Massey and Michael Bryant

If people can understand that this is what the Parasites That Be do, they create fake opposition in order to steer the argument from both sides, they did it for 9/11, one of the main tactics used was to create the term “space beams” then the fake opposition would conflate that term with the work done by Dr Wood and from my own observations it appears they are doing something similar with Covid, many of the people who seem to be in support of the no virus position also push the flat Earth psychological operation, whether they have fallen for the psychological operation themselves or they are controlled opposition is debatable, videos by people discussing the no virus view are often swamped by flat Earth nonsense in the comment sections, just something to be aware of.

Ryan G. Banister of Field Interference with Chris Hampton discussing the flat Earth psychological operation

The one conspiracy theory out there that turns people off from looking into things faster than any other when it is mentioned alongside other information is flat Earth, so the best way to stop people looking at something is to try and conflate that something with flat Earth nonsense, it seems pretty obvious to me that this is what is happening but then i also think instead of arguing what shape the Earth is why not spread the truth of what really happened on 9/11 by sharing the work of Dr Judy Wood because as she has proven in her book Where Did The Towers Go? free energy exists, one of the effects of whatever technology was used on 9/11 is anti-gravity effects, if enough people understand what really happened on 9/11 we could all demand/force the Parasites That Be to give us access to that technology and start to manufacture anti-gravity vehicles for ourselves so anybody who loves to argue about the shape of the Earth can go look for themselves instead of relying on videos from the internet.

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