The Mighty New Zealand Meat Pie

Sometimes a challenge is issued to you in life and you know exactly how you must respond. Yesterday @Conradt nominated me for the seven-day culture challenge. And the answer entered my mind like a sheep thrusting through the wire fence to freedom. I had to write about the New Zealand meat pie. No words can truly do it justice but I will do my best.


Source:Creative Commons

Posterior view

Source:Creative Commons

Anterior view

Source:Creative Commons

Bottom View (can’t see it because of the table)

Source:Creative Commons

birds eye view

Source:Creative Commons


Here we can see the layering. First we have the crispy pastry giving slightly then yielding to your teeth with a gentle crunch. Proceeding downwards we enter the gravy should be and a molten state, supporting and covering the meats layer. Should be composed of at least eight distinct pieces and no jelly which you really hope you don’t see here. The final layer is once again pastry, Unlike the top layer this is acceptable without the crunchy texture.


From England but comparing the modern evolved New Zealand meat pie to its lesser predecessor is like comparing a gentleman to an early hominid who still spends most of his days swinging through branches.


A major strength is it can form any meal of the day but it’s possible you might regret it a bit if you have it for breakfast


Unfortunately hard to find outside of New Zealand and Australia but if anyone finds an online merchant of high quality I will be their best customer.

And I’m spent. Might not complete the full culture challenge because I’ve got a busy week coming up!

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