Free Slurpees: Pandemic Edition

         Yesterday was July 11. You know that meant? It was 7/11. Usually your local 7-Eleven would be offering free Slurpees for everyone. Unfortunately, the pandemic caused a change in game plan. I had expected something to be different this year, so I scouted ahead.

         Instead of the traditional way, now only those who signed up to the loyalty program could get a freebie. That is, from stores that participate in it. That's not a huge deal, but I am wary of signing up for a ton of programs that I seldom use.

         If anyone is wondering, the "points" you earn do not include fuels you purchase. So, that pretty much makes it worthless. I don't go and spend a ton of money at 7-Eleven most of the times outside of fuel.

         Anyways, that didn't stop me from getting Slurpees. Although, it was a bit weird carrying out several of them by myself. I take precautions because we have elderly family members that are around us.

         I am a basic man, I tend to prefer simple flavors. I got the plain old Coca Cola ones.

         Since 7/11 was a bit of downer for everyone this year, I went ahead and made some fish and chips for late lunch. Sometimes, you gotta enjoy life and get rid of the extra halibut you have in the freezer.

         I cooked both the fries and the fish with the air fryer. I did them in separate batches. It only took about 35 minutes or so to prepare. The fish was already precooked, so that made it even easier and quicker.

         Speaking of fish, I would like to give fishing another go this summer. Although, I should see what the situation is like since the pandemic. I'll figure that out for another day.

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