Pregnancy week 4_ pamper india

Your baby at 4th week of pregnancy
Your baby at 4 weeks

Your baby is the size of a poppy seed. By the end of the week, your little one measures around a millimetre (0.04 inch).

Once implanted in the side of your uterus, the fertilised egg divides into layers of cells and officially becomes an embryo. These cells will grow into your little one's body throughout your pregnancy, forming the nervous system, skeleton, muscles and organs.

The support system is under construction

The placenta, a disc-like organ that connects your body’s systems to your baby’s, begins to form and attaches to the uterine wall where the egg is implanted. The umbilical cord comes out of one side of the placenta. The amniotic fluid, which will cushion your little one throughout the pregnancy, is already forming inside an encircling membrane sac.

Your pregnancy at 4 weeks

You might experience some spotting as the fertilised egg implants into your uterus. This is known as implantation spotting and it's completely normal.

The results are in

A home pregnancy test should show a positive result thanks to the hormone hCG released by the brand-new placenta. This same hormone is largely responsible for the nausea, or “morning sickness,” that many women experience in the first trimester. Get tips on how to prevent morning sickness during 4th week of pregnancy. Most home pregnancy tests are accurate after your first missed period, but false negatives can occur. If you have missed your period but show a negative home pregnancy test, you may way to consult your doctor.

Quick tip for mums
From the beginning, your baby is growing and developing, so what you’re eating will impact his or her development. Every day, make sure that you are taking folic acid (Vitamin B9) and pre-natal vitamins (B12, C, D, E) that also contain calcium and iron. These vitamins will help your little one get off to a great start! Here is the list of recommended foods with high Calcium & Iron content for healthy pregnancy.

Want to know more about your upcoming week? Find out what to expect during 5th week of pregnancy for you and your baby here.


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