From the emergence of a Token I began to understand the journey of coins and tokens.

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Have you ever bought a kind of coin or token when the price is very high.
When the appearance of a coin or token the owner always launches at a fantastic price.

The token holders usually sell the price when the price is still fantastic, it is done to reap the maximum profit.
After the koin raises the price then the price decrease will occur, when the price drops they buy as much as possible.

After the purchase they made they again raised the price, they had very many tokens and then they issued it when the price was rising above the sky.

Pernahkah Anda membeli semacam koin atau token saat harganya sangat tinggi.
Ketika penampilan koin atau token, pemilik selalu meluncurkan dengan harga yang fantastis.

Pemegang token biasanya menjual harga ketika harganya masih fantastis, hal itu dilakukan untuk meraup untung maksimal.
Setelah koin menaikkan harga maka penurunan harga akan terjadi, ketika harga turun mereka membeli sebanyak mungkin.

Setelah pembelian mereka membuat mereka kembali menaikkan harga, mereka memiliki sangat banyak token dan kemudian mereka menerbitkannya ketika harga naik di atas langit.

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