Zubli Zainordin The Najib Story

I met him once
Mohd Najib Abdul Razak
when he was the Minister of Culture Malaysia
one of the nicest political leaders I know then.

Then I met him again and again and again
When he was the Minister of Defence Malaysia.
A Nice Man.

It was a shocker when I was told in 2006 about
the brutal murder of
Altantuya Shaariibuu
in Malaysia.

Checking the facts.
it is a matter of connecting the dots.

Zubli Zainordin Justice for Altantuya Awaiting the Final Chapter of Her Story

Once connected, no one, not even him can scrap his name in the link of dots.

When the event of
Nothing to Hide.
I was there.
Wanting to know...

1 zz long.jpg

Next, after this Malaysians were brought into his Fantasy World
by Mohd Najib Abdul Razak
of Lies, more Lies, and Lies again plus more Lies.

The Story continues...

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