Zubli Zainordin Experts Sharing that Your Own Thoughts Can Destroy You

Earlier I wrote this:

Zubli Zainordin and She Said Life is Full of Tests thus making us Strong But I Responded No

Expert Advice on Thoughts
and I am Responding No


Let's have a look
what this individual is so excited about
sharing this Expert Advice
on Thoughts...

1 zz think.jpg

Point One:
"There is nothing in the world that can trouble you as much as your own thoughts."

No..! Wrong..!
Our Own Thoughts cannot trouble us.

When The Creator creates us
the constant Reminder to each of us
"Afala Tak qiluun"
Why don't you think. Use you thoughts.

To ensure we comprehend
Thought is apex noble activitity
The Creator places the Brain at Top High
when We stand or sit
The Brain is top most position
covered with Skull
and beautify protect with Hair.

Next Think about
How can a Man write a Book and title it:
"Think and Grow Rich"
a Book by Napoleon Hill
more than 10 Million Copies Sold.

Point Two:
"Our Thought is a Prison to imprison us."

No..! Wrong..!

Our Thought shall free us
Freedom and free from Freedoom.

Thinking Thoughts actually liberates us.

Who is scared when Individual and People start
begin to Think..?

Point Three:
"You criticize yourself so you make yourself small"


No..! Wrong..!

You shall be unable to be little Your Self

Please Read
Anthony Robbin's Book
"Awaken the Giant Within".

You are the Giant.

Point Four:
"You Worry yourself with your thoughts."

No..! Wrong..!

You are the only one in this world
who cannot make You worry.

Why should You..?

We are suppose to be happy and enjoying Life.

Remember I wrote this:

Zubli Zainordin Kata Waspada 3 R Rompak Nikmat Kehidupan

what is Thought
Who is Thinking
Why all these Thoughts thought by the Expert
can destroy you.

My view is that,
the Expert do not recognize
the role of
the devil

who constantly wisphers
into Huwmen mind
using not its voice
but the Huwmen's
Her or His voice.

That is it.

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