Ultimate Conviction

I was watching the following video and there is a real bomb in there. The video is a talk by Zizek, a well known leftist and communist that I always find rather relaxing to listen to, because even though he talks 90% pure shit, there are often some interesting thoughts to be found in his videos. And the rest is at least entertaining.

At 1 hour in the video he talks about the desperation of the leftists. That many think only a huge catastrophe can rally the population behind more radical leftist ideology. And he confirms that many big names sincerely hope for such a catastrophe and some even want to organise it. I find this passage to be quite authentic and think that there may actually be a real danger from the left. It also shows that false flag operations are a real scenario and not just a lunatic conspiracy theory.

And this very well illustrates the problem with radical ideologies, on the left and on the right. It is the the absolute conviction to know what is best for others combined with an unshakable faith that oneself is on the good side. Only then you can honestly think that you have the moral right to kill hundreds of thousands just so your idea can be successful. Because the gain from your plan is so huge that all these casualties will be justified.

This is real toxic radicalism. And the big problem is not only that the ends do not justify the means, but also that humans are stupid. Most people believe they are good and most believe they are super smart and know all the answers. But we know as a fact that most people would make rather horrible dictators.

Humans have a massively distorted image of themselves. If everyone believes to be special and you also do, then what is the chance that you are actually special? Simple math gives the answer.

Nobody has the competence to make perfect decisions. We all fail all the time, it is enough to look into our private lives. If your plan involves killing others and telling the remaining survivors what to do, then go back, realise that you are just a stupid human and come back to make a new plan that is more aligned with your limited abilities. A plan to get your own life on track, then if you still have energy left, help people locally. And remember, good ideas do not need coercion.

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