The Blockchain will unite e-commerce and buyers

Loyalty programs are designed to reward customers for their past purchases or other actions and to encourage them to make more purchases.


You could say that this is an ideal scheme to increase the profits of retailers.However, in real life it does not work this way. A recent study by Colloquy shows that approximately 56% of programs do not give users real benefits from purchases, while 54% are organized so poorly that it is incredibly difficult to earn points with them.

BitRewards solves these problems for loyalty management plans, as it more closely aligns the interests of merchants and buyers. The decentralized administration of rewards in blockchain technology makes the platform unique and offers excellent value for all platform members and their clients.

Obtaining excellent ratings from major rating agencies such as ICORating 9/10,ICOBench 4.7 / 5. BitRewards hopes to successfully capture the retail market valued at US $ 20 billion worldwide, through its revolutionary ecosystem.

The exclusive benefits

BitRewards allows retailers to make their customers more satisfied with the rewards in cryptography and thus gain their loyalty. A large loyalty program increases the retailer's revenue by a significant percentage. The stores are capturing the market of cryptography enthusiasts, which is active and covers the attention of the usual companies.

The rewards for customers, in the form of BIT tokens from different merchants, are accumulated in a client's account, which is connected to the entire BitRewards network. Tokens can be redeemed with any merchant within the BitRewards network and network partners, who can promote their business with additional bonuses and discounts for BIT token holders.

The BIT balance of a customer's cryptographic portfolio will also be connected to the plastic or virtual bank debit card, which users can spend as if they used their usual credit or debit cards.


If you are interested in the project, you can visit the official website or follow the project on Telegram , Twitter and Facebook.

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