ISIS Unveiled

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ISIS Unveiled

I have wondered why the USA picked a side in the ongoing Islamic civil war between the Shiite factions and the Sunni factions. The reasons remained unclear to me until I looked at ISIS. This Muslim organization has declared a Caliphate (Islamic theocracy) in Iraq and Syria and of course has plans to dominate the Earth with Sharia law and their version of Sunni Wahhabism (see reference). They have attacked many western nations in Europe and they have attacked America, murdering many innocents, including children. Guess what other wealthy nation follows this brand of extremest Islam: Saudi Arabia. Do you also recall the House of Saud's close ties with the Bush family and their direct involvement with 9/11?

Do you recall a very recent $110 Billion weapons sale (5-2017) with the House of Saud via the Trump Administration? Do you realize Jared Kushner had direct involvement with this deal also? Jared is currently planning on helping to negotiate a peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Smell a RAT yet? These Zionists think no one is watching them and no one can figure out what they are doing. Here is a FACT: Greater Israel (Promised Land) consist of much of Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, parts of Egypt, and Iraq. Can you not see what is occurring? The Axis of Evil, led by the Synagogue of Satan (SOS) is setting up ISIS for the West to conquer Greater Israel under the “guise” of fighting them!

Many Western journalists correctly claim that ISIS is a creation of the Western Intel agencies, specifically the CIA, MI5, Jesuits, and Mossad. ISIS holds the same radical Islamic beliefs as does the House of Saud! Is that a coincidence to you? If this Western Axis of Evil merely stopped their overt and covert support for ISIS, they would be gone inside of a year. Instead, it looks as if the USA is prepared to go to war with the rest of the world to promote ISIS. Of course they lie and say it is for the sake of Syrian liberty. If you believe the Mainstream Media (MSM) on this, you are a brainwashed idiot and should stop reading this right now. The USA funds, arms, trains, and supports ISIS with the help of England, the Vatican, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.

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This is a decades long plan to destroy Islam and Christianity while granting FAKE Israel ALL of the Greater Israel without the involvement of the real Messiah. The anti-messiah will rule from Jerusalem with the support of the Vatican. Now can you see it? Once the Christians all fall away, this program will enter its final stages: WW3 will be primarily to secure the Greater Israel Promised Land for the FAKE Jews, their Zionist sycophants, and their DUAL-citizenship TRAITORS within every American Administration since the 50s! The Zionist Cabal consist of the Vatican Jesuits, Israel, England, Saudi Arabia (a few other Arab states), and the USA.

The Zionist Cabal is blackmailing the US President to go along with this program as they do all US Presidents. They have great leverage on him (planted “nukes” for the nation and threats against his loved ones) and will not hesitate to use it if he balks. PRAY for the exposure of the SOS, their plans, their financial frauds, their ownership of Western media and governments, and their destruction. These FAKE Jews are the most dangerous enemy of mankind in the flesh. They work directly for Satan.

They control most of what you read, hear, and watch. Their father and master is the Prince of the Power of the Air! They own all the high ground and they control all the gates. STOP watching their MSM FAKE “news”! #FAKEjewsMakeFAKEnews Every “rabbi” is a high-order Satanist warlock practicing Kabbalah and loving the evil Talmud. Reformed Jews often reject the Talmud and Kabbalah but they still massively support the SOS financially and politically so they are GUILTY just as are the stupid Christian Zionists! Rabbis all worship Lucifer with their dark Kabbalah witchcraft.

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If you look into the history of Saudi Arabia you will find the fingerprints of England as another one of its created states, just like the state of Israel. This is why Israel, England , and the USA HELP Saudi Arabia in their wars and arm them to the teeth with front-line American weapons systems. The West is very interested in supporting and defending the House of Saud royal family. This is why it appears that the US Air Force is the air force for ISIS to many observers. This is why England, Israel, and the USA are directly aiding Saudi Arabia in their war against Yemen; they need a place to expand once Greater Israel is announced! My guess is that Oman, Kuwait, and Qatar are also on the chopping block for the House of Saud. So is Iran.

The “Crown” of England is behind this as they are crypto FAKE Jews vying for their Greater Promised Land. Guess where their REAL home is: Ukraine. This region is where the FAKE Jew Khazars hail from, so now you know why the USA is warring for them there as well. The Crown of England is the head of the Beast System that is coming into place. It is the public leadership arm of the SOS and of course has total Vatican support and funding. The Crown, the Vatican, and the FAKE Jewish Rothschild banking family control most of the Earth's wealth and power. They make all the wars you read about and in which your children die in. They profit immensely from all wars funding all sides with interest!

Please do not support Zionism. Please do not support the coming Beast System. Please do not allow your children to join the military to fight for the SOS wars! Do not be an ignorant Fascist/Zionist PATRIOT!!! WW3 could happen at any time but i hope it is slowed to a crawl for the next 40 years. The USA NEEDS a Nineveh-like reprieve for the sake of the Remnant. It happened before and it can happen again if saints will repent and pray.



“The US State Department has estimated that over the past four decades the capital Riyadh has invested more than $10bn (£6bn) into charitable foundations in an attempt to replace mainstream Sunni Islam with the harsh intolerance of its Wahhabism.”-!

"What is Wahhabism? The reactionary branch of Islam said to be 'the main source of global terrorism'. The Telegraph. Retrieved 2016-12-16.

-Galt's Ghost!
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