Dystopian Future

You don't believe in the supernatural because that is one of the ALLOWED and SUPPORTED opinions by your masters. You are allowed to believe in ancient aliens, or ANY "spirituality" OUTSIDE the Bible, worship Satan openly, be a Wiccan Pagan, be a Catholic, be a Jew, or be a main-line Protestant without much resistance.

The entire world system is a cesspool of evil you are swimming in WITH the current. This music proves there is a war on for your mind. Are you fighting in this war? Or have you abdicated your authority to another? Do you even know there is a spiritual war going on for your very soul and the souls of all you know?

Souls are more valuable than gold, oil, technology, water, air, land, or even power over others. Your masters all believe in Lucifer and they follow him whether you want to accept that fact or not.

All your State and Federal level politicians, leaders of secret societies, leaders of main-line religions, owners of media conglomerates, owners of high tech companies, owners of central banks, and members of political groups like the Counsel on Foreign Relations, the Bohemian Grove, the Trilateral Commission, the Group of 300, and the Group of Eight worship Lucifer. This is not some fake news BS but is an actual conspiracy led by evil humans in high places.

Your masters own all the high ground and control all the gates of society and geography. They are the Synagogue of Satan mentioned in the Bible twice in the Book Revelations. These FAKE Jews are the primary enemy of mankind and want to destroy 99.9% of all human life. Read the Georgia Guidestones to see the dystopian future they intend for your decedents.

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Advertising works by REPETITION. So does BRAINWASHING. WAKE UP!!!

This warfare is primarily via WORDS and PRAYER, with images being a close third in influence. Guard the gates of your body, the real Temple of the Most High!

This is advertising via subliminal which is VERY EFFECTIVE!!!


-Ghost of Galt
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