Zinc: The Hot New Commodity

Following Images Via kitco.com

There is a worldwide Zinc shortage and nobody is really talking about it.
Zinc is used in almost all industries, everywhere.
From Cosmetics to Galvanized Steel, Zinc has a massive footprint and
Zinc itself is a hardware fastener.

The fact that Zinc mines are closing around the world make matters ever more complicated.
A high demand Metal with inventories being depleted rapidly with a low probability of
meeting future requirements?! And prices being manipulated downward through the
use of future contracts?!

The Base Metal Alternative Using the Post 1982 US Penny.

While many are preparing for the upcoming financial emergency by acquiring precious
metals to use in place of the FRN, this option IS NOT available to all people.
But investing as little as 2 fake 'dollars' a week could help keep food on the table.

$2 = 4 rolls of pennies
50 pennies per roll at 2.5 grams of 97.5% Zinc equals (50x4x2.5) 500 grams.
At 31.1 grams per troy ounce, which means over 16 troy ounces of Zinc.

Once the manipulation ends with the financial MELTDOWN, markets again will
determine price and Zinc will Explode. At the minimum in the near term until new
mining opportunities can bring about a new lower equilibrium price.

Money dies, it happens all the time. Currently, we are watching the Venezuelan
Bolivar vaporize, but that has happened to the Mark, the Rouble, the Pound,
the Won, the Zimbabwe $...,etc since the inception of fiat currencies.

Any steps towards preparation will reward appropriately.
"Better a Year Early than a Day Late." --author unknown





And as always, @demandpeace

A Good Day to You.

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