Change is coming to Zimbabwe

The fiery quasi-dictator is under house arrest.

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Last night something happened in Zimbabwe which is a coup d'etat in all but name.

The military moved in with tanks and armored vehicles securing government buildings, the National Broadcaster and placing Robert Mugabe and his wife under house arrest.

Image Credits: AFP / Getty Images

But they have made it plain that they are not taking over the government and that this is not a coup.

Things have been steadily deteriorating in the country as the contest over who will succeed Mugabe has been hotting up.

The 93 years old president who has been ruling the country via rigged elections for 37 years, made a fatal miscalculation in the last couple of weeks . He fired his deputy president who was essentially competing against his attempts to hand over the presidency to his wife.

Grace Mugabe.

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The deputy was the favorite candidate of the military and now they have acted.

Mugabe's long term has been significantly tarnished, by heading a repressive regime with much blood on its hands as it has done whatever it takes to cling to power.

Under his presidency he turned Zimbabwe from the "bread basket" of Africa into the "basket case" of Africa.

This same military that is now claiming to represent the interest of the people is the same army that was a very significant player in the decades of repression.

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