Why our society needs mass adoption of Blockchain - A blog on the Project ZEEPIN

I am glad that the government of the country that I live in is reluctant in censoring digital data. But not everyone is that fortunate. Not one year ago, Venezuela’s government (or dictator Maduro) censored or shut down TV stations that showed footages of the protests [1] and blocked images in Twitter [2]. Venezuela is not the only country which is involved with censorship to maintain power, I don’t need to remind you on the severe censoring in Turkey.

The Berlin Wall lasted 28 years, I’m not even that old yet. Now that most of us is using internet, the corrupt elite opt for censorship. I can’t pack my bags with sledgehammers to fix the censorship problem, but I can support Zeepin. Now, the ICO is already finished and the investment has exceeded the hard cap. However, supporting a project is not limited to sending Ether, just as giving a like to a facebook post is not the only way to share concern.

With the development of the Zeepin’s blockchain (Zeepin Chain), everyone can have their assets digitized (Digitisation – conversion of analogue/physical asset into digital equivalents) with rights confirmation, all shared using a decentralized system.

For more information about Zeepin, check out this useful short video:

Zeepin tokens in a nutshell
The token (ZPT) can only be used on the Zeepin platform (in roadmap) which serves as a unit of exchange for the services provided on the Zeepin platform. This stimulates participants to maintain the decentralized information sharing community.

Quick facts

  • A copyright infringement-safe & trustless system for creators
  • Zeepin Chain & wallet to be implemented in Q1/2 2018
  • Watertight validation of copyrights without disclosing contents (ZeeProof, roadmap Q3/4 2019)
  • Project Zeepin is in compliance with laws and regulations under SFA [3].

About the team
The team currently consists of 7 members, Zhu Fei is the CEO and has been the CEO of Arting365 incorporated for the past 15 years. Other team members have demonstrated success as well, the experience will be put to good use to make the project come true.

I am not as brave as the protester stopping tanks, but I do believe that blockchain is a solution to the problems our society is facing right now. When your creative content is at risk, just think about Zeepin.

[1] - https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/05/25/venezuela_increases_censorship_surveillance/
[2] - http://www.bbc.com/mundo/ultimas_noticias/2014/02/140214_ultnot_venezuela_twitter_cantv_msd.shtml
[3] - Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore

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