FAQ: Body Acidity as a Basis of Human's Health & Illnesses

Better safe than sorry


The choice is on you

1. What does acidity mean?

acidity or pH value (Latin: potentia hydrogenii)
is the number that serves as a measure of acidity or alkalinity of aqueous solutions.
At 25 ° C the pH value of some solution may be between 0 and 14.


2.What"s the acidity of the human body?


There is no acidity of the whole human body.
It is acidity in various parts of the body (mouth, blood, urine, stomach, bowels, etc.).

3.Why is the acidity of the body so important?

Never forget our organism is a perfect biochemical machine.
We are alive thanks to the "countless" biochemical reactions that are constantly taking place.
Different substances (reactants) are involved in the reactions.
All these reactions take place under certain conditions.
These conditions may be ideal.
Only if a man lives in a "glass Balloon".
So, in ideal conditions (which our body knows to create) reactions are ideal and result in the perfect work of a machine called: the human body!
One of these conditions is acidity ( places where the reactions take place ).

Another name for acidity is the balance of acids and bases.


Balance can never be 100% fixed.

It always moves on one side to the other and small oscillations are acceptable.

The problem arises when the balance has been disturbed for a long time!!!

In favor of one side!


Many biochemical reactions do not take place properly, and hence the function of the body.

Enough"s say :

acidity is very, very importants for the normal functioning of our body

and people will have to take care of it.

4. What can happen if acidity is wrong?


One thing is for sure. Nothing good!

It would be easier to say what can not happen!

Increased acidity is a danger (which our body knows very well) and moves to solve the problem.
Blood pH balance is so important that when there is no available calcium in the system
Takes minerals (calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium from vital organs and bones, and produces solutions for acidity regulation (so called puffer).

If he takes them?
Less acidity but are coming, others problems.

Here are some...

lack of energy
weakened immunity,
painful back,
rheumatic problems,
intestinal inflammation,
disturbed intestinal flora,
Excessive nervousness,
caries, paradentos,
kidney defects,
reduction of muscular endurance and stiffness,
it's safe ....
But much more dangerous and different kinds of cancer occur.
(increased acidity leads to oxygen-free conditions in our cells, so-called anaerobic condition).


Those conditions favor cancer cells and damage to healthy cells, so I agree with those who think that acidity is one #### of the causes of cancer ...

Did you recognize any symptoms?

5.What are the causes of increased acidity?


The main causes are:
way of eating,
too little physical activity,
insufficient drinking (healthy liquids) Water (H2O),
drug use,
use of certain drugs.

6. What are the normal values of acidity?

Stomach: cca 1,5 - 3
Urine cca 5,5 - 6,8
Slime cca 6,4 - 6,8
Blood: cca 7,35-7,45
thin hose: cca 6,5

7. What is wise to do about acidity?


7.1.1.Measure the acidity of your body


Get the pH measurement tabs ( measuring range 5.0 - 8.0 ).
By the possibility, what a smaller step in the measurement
( eg 0.2 - you will get a more accurate result).
Repeat the measurement for several days in a row ( you split the measurements and you will get a more accurate result).
I suggest you measure the pH of urine and saliva.
Urin - second morning urination.
Slime - Do not eat or drink anything 2-3 hours before ( neither H2O).

7.1.2.Measure the blood glucose concentration

There is one interesting thing that differs from country to country.
Usually about 10% of the population does not even know that they have elevated glucose in the blood.
For those who do not know the diabetes is a silent killer (nothing hurts).
The best therapy is regular glucose control !!!!
If you have excess weight and you under stress,
you are on best way to enter the C6H12O6 club.

Simply, this is the information you must always know.

7.2. Carry out a sensitivity test (intolerance) on foods.


The bigger the test, the better.
Do not eat what you can not!

This is very important. Why?
For processing such food, the body consumes more energy than needed!
It is irrational energy consumption.
Now imagine many such foods that you can not eat?
It's as if your car consumes much more fuel than the original instructions.
What would he do?
He woulds go to a mechanic !?

7.3. Now you know state. Make a (realistic) diet plan and go, healthy.


How to make a plan?

When you have a diagnosis, you know the depth of the problem (acidity, glucose, and the number of foods you should not use).
I will give you instructions and the details are on the web:
For optimal health 70-80% of alkaline foods should be found in your menu and only 20-30% acid.
Drink water at least 2 liters, preferably drink alkalized water (ready or domestic alkalizing machine).


Find a precise food table (acid - alkali) on the web.
Choose what you want to eat.
Form the Stock.
Always hold only such foods at home.
Do not be tempted.

7.4. Try to fit the ball until it's late (question of stress).


What is stress?

Body Response to Unrealistic Requirements.
Simple but fairly true (rough).
Faster, faster, faster,
we put the organism up to the limit of endurance.

Imagine a machine in which billions of cells work without mistakes but have their own rhythm.
And We him disturb.
The consequences are here ... the machine does not more work perfectly ...

7.5. Physical activities.

Every activity, especially if it regularly brings a lot of positive effects.Is Good.

This really should not written.

7.6. Other bad habits, keep under control.

Physical activity requires physical effort,
but for to eliminate bad habits needs only decison.
I do not want.

And there is no point in saying here because everyone knows what is good and what is not.

( maybe they do not know how many... )

The meaning of the post

I could have been a "professional" as a graduate engineer of biochemical engineering but I do not think it is necessary.
This is for getting to know enough.

Who wants more, everything is on the web !!!!

Topic for Discussion!!

Myths and truths

Otto Heinrich Warburg

The cause of cancer was officially discovered before 1923, and Warburg received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1931?
Various conspiracy theorists say that are the authorities,
associated with large pharmaceutical companies,
decided to erase a "cure for cancer" ( of Warburg ).

So what is the truth?

Warburg studied the acidity and amount of oxygen in the cells.
In his work "Tumor metabolism," Dr. Warburg has shown that all carcinogenic forms fulfill two fundamental conditions: blood acidity and hypoxia (oxygen deficiency).

He found that tumor cells are anaerobic (they do not need oxygen) and can not survive in the presence of high oxygen concentrations.

Therefore, cancer is nothing more than a defense mechanism that our cells use to survive in the acidic medium without the presence of oxygen.
His famous statements:
The lack of oxygen and acidity are two sides of the same medal.
Take away 35% of oxygen from the cell and in two days it will be a tumor.
Everything is more or less true!
The conspiracy theory says Warburg's work is hidden from the public.


He did not find a cure for cancer !
But one of the causes is!

The difference is enormous.

We all see cancer as a deadly threat.

And we know from little feet for alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.
And how we behave.
So and with acidity.
We've known it lately.
Did we change the way we eat?
So, we know what the cause of cancer is.No secrets.

Why then hide it?

Why then the bombastic titles.
From ignorance or ...

What you thinks?

Until next time,


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