This five letter words has a great value and importance to the entire human race. Over theyears,some set of
people,government,associations,communities and so on have failed owing to lack of this five letter words "UNITY".....
This wonderful quote says"Unity of people can bring down any system.
Unity can be explained as being in full agreement,a condition of harmony, continuity without discrimination age wise,religious wise etc....
Power of unity can bring a turnaround, it can reverse a chaotic nation to a nation maintaining oneness and living in harmony.
Many government,association,community has failed owing to fixing things from the top rather than fixing it from the base which only require this five letter words UNITY. Followers also blame the government for its failure whereas all what is needed is to be in unity with the government..The agreement as a follower should be duely respected,and contributing your own quota has the agreement stated should be of utmost priority. Follower in a full agreement with the government should exercise his or her civic responsibility and duties, be a good and law abiding citizens and in return the government perform excellently and basic infrastructure are provided....
-It fosters love and happiness between human race no matter the skin colour,age,religious belief or gender.
-Individual differences are settled based on this five letter words.
-Growth and development are enhanced when in oneness.
-War,terrorism and killing of innocent people are eradicated when in unity...
FOSTERING UNITY BETWEEN OURSELVES Fostering unity among ourselves, communities, nations entails loving each other,respecting each other as well as helping each other...
When all these are put into practice within human race,oneness,togetherness as well as development and growth are expected.
It is on this note that I will commend the STEEMIT COMMUNITY for this wonderful world where money is not only generated for curation,but unity is also enhanced as you meet people of different skin colour, age,religious beliefs and gender and still communicate effectively....
Let us continue to wallow in unity for better human race..
I stand for unity in STEEMIT COMMUNITY, thanks for your attention.

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