Yvette Carnell Points Out Dr. Boyce Watkins Fraudulent Ways

It really has been a sad developing story here as something I've enjoyed listening to for the past few years, is turning out to be a Fraud. Recent developments, which we covered in a recent post on here, about Charles Wu and Dr. Boyce Exploiting The Black Community

Yvette Carnell, through her ongoing video Series 'Breaking Brown' has been talking about how Dr. Boyce Watkins is a fraud...

She's not been on board with much of what he's had to say. After the video leaked, with Charles Wu describing Boyce as his 'character' who's lines who wrote for him, Yvette discussed it. Dr. Boyce actually got upset and made a short response on his youTube, without naming her. It's called "Blacks On The Internet Yapping About Nothing".

This prompted, yet another response, from Yvette Carnell and this time she brings all of her Receipts. This is something I've always appreciated about her. I do not always agree with everything she says, but she proves her positions.

Her main point, that there can be no Black Economics without Black Politics, is a point I also agree with. It's a message that Dr. Claud Anderson has been trying to get across to black people for quite some time. That's where she sorta misses the 'order of events' however. It's actually impossible to have Black Politics without Black Economics. In fact, what Dr. Claud has always expressed, is that economics are the first floor.

Yvette comes from the position that money/capitalism is evil. Many people feel that way, and again, are great at proving why they feel that way. My view has always come from a different position, that's actually rooted in truth. Money is a multiplier, and it makes a person 'more' of what they are.

An asshole with a lot of money turns into a BIGGER asshole. An Angel, with money becomes an even BETTER angel ::

I've shared steems before with Dr. Boyce talking about Black Wealth, (Master P); and also have tons of articles up on my blogs with his videos. The reason is because he does talk to black people about 'some' of the things we need to focus on. However, Yvette is right, that ultimately it's Boyce who is not giving us real solutions.

So far, his solutions are 'give me money for my black business school and I'll teach you what to do'. Then what turned off so many black people most recently (around December) was Dr. Boyce trying to sell Jarvis to black people who mostly are new to the cryptocurrency space.

Back in December 2017, I said this on Facebook

#RantWarning :: i guess one of my main issues with that Dr. Boyce Group is that he's letting Charles Wu run it - He's not From Our community and in my opinion, does not have OUR best interest in mind only his own. Just yesterday he floated some #FUD in the group about $XVG - I'd be lying if I say that didn't bother me a little bit. How is this guy an admin of a group for black people to discuss investing in crypto?

There are always these 'outside forces' pulling at us; which often are the root cause of the 'in fighting' --- Dr. Boyce likes Charles Wu for example; his affinity for him, seemingly has led him to let this guy push ideas and concepts out 'to the black family' - that mostly benefit Charles.

The disappointment with the Dr., for me, continues to mount. Which is exactly what I mean. I want to support my people, and work to 'unify' us more (especially on today) --- but it's hard to back anyone of us, who isn't completely looking out for all of us; i wish he would have just let the brotha, Lamar Wilson run the show - he seemed ready to share, and help the community. In fact, that's about all I've seen him doing.

It's tiresome, to see my people taken advantage of.

.... stay tuned for more. Spread this message to stop black people (and others) from being Scammed by Charles Wu and Dr. Boyce Watkins.

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