A Road To Yunk Town - Part 1 - Crowd Story

A Road to Yunk Town

By: @cdwyatt @saywha @elliotjgardner @holoz0r @crypto2day @satchmo

Keep your eyes peeled to participate in the next one!

"I heard stories, I never believed them. It wasn't until I found him, he told me what I had, then I knew it to be true. I knew it was real." Elliot said, holding a small artifact. "Found who? What is it?" Sira asked, curious and a little disgusted, "Where did you get that?"

"I've always had it Sira. Yunkzilla says that we all do." It was a Yunk and this is the story of how Elliot discovered it's origin.


Remote, rural, we don't even really know where it is, but the dangers that lurked on the Road to Yunk Town, surely our hero would face his peril.

Driving along in red 1990 civic, Elliot definitely modified the exhaust so that it was loud, obnoxious. He sped along the highway, listening Yunk jams by the artist @mobbs. I guess Elliot was on auto-pilot, spaced out because on the road to Yunk Town, he drove head on into a cattle guard.

He could have seen perfectly ahead, a drab and boring view of nothing but cacti and tumbleweeds. But those grasshoppers kept coming out of the roadside ditches, smearing the windshield as he tried to swipe them away with the windshield whippers on full speed.

This hunk of material from Yunkzilla was cold to the touch and left a pronounced indentation on the seat next to him. It shed a bit of metallic covering and gave off a faint odor to match the putrid exhaust nicely. The cattle guard impact snapped him out of a daze; the Yunk now lay on the floorboard.

It had been overturned quickly and from the corner of his eye, Elliot noticed it shaking. Violently.

The yunk started glowing red hot. The brighter it got, the more violently it shook. "A FIRE" Elliot gasped, as he beat the flame down with the old sweatshirt in the passenger seat. Instantly, he got out of the car, sweatshirt in hand. Wrapping the already charred sweatshirt around his hands, he carefully yet quickly took it out and put it on the road. The second it touched the ground it stopped shaking, it stopped glowing.

A moment of calm and then suddenly without notice, the yunk started rolling! FAST! Maneuvering around the nearby shrubbery and obstacles, it was picking up speed. Elliot jumped back in his car, slammed his foot to the floor, and turned off the road to follow it. He couldn't lose the yunk after all this time. "where the hell is it going now?" Elliot thought to himself distraught.

The car rattled unsteadily on the uneven terrain while gaining speed as the ball of Yunk rolled downhill. Compelled to know where it was heading, Elliot would stop at nothing to find out. He glanced at the speedometer, he was doing 60mph.

"I must be crazy." He muttered to himself as the car hurtled down the treacherous slopes. With his gaze so intently trained on the ball, he failed to see that there was a hair pin curve coming up. Elliot was approaching, way too fast. He needed to reduce his speed, but gravity had something else in mind as he hurtled down the hill toward certain death.

The brake calipers gripped the discs, and the car entered a skid. Elliot yanked the steering wheel left, as the yunk broke the surly bonds of gravity, floating over the cliff face. It stopped as the front tires of Elliots 1990 red honda civic left the road, and the engine revved freely.

The car was about to fall into the ravine below, full of tangled rock and resilient trees.

Elliot's life flashed before his eyes. His car moving at 60 mph towards the rock and trees but his mind stayed steady... in a slow motion state.

All Elliot could think about was what this Yunk was and its origin. Elliot flew through his windshield as the car leaped off the cliff face. He grabbed the ball of yunk with both hands and braced for impact. His eyes closed tightly, and hands now filled with a glowing red yunk, he felt a warmth overtake his whole body.

The warmth was not from an external force like the sun, but it filled him from the inside. It started from his finger tips and started traveling through his hands and up his arms. Soon his whole body engulfed in this feeling that could only be described as... yunk. It seemed like an eternity but was only mere seconds.

Elliot had forgotten during this that he was falling towards certain death. A large flash and BOOM happened as the yunk had completely taken over Elliot. When Elliot came to, the car mangled and Elliot standing outside of the wreck unharmed, he could not recollect how he had managed to escape as he stood over his 1990 civic.

"How much time has passed?"
"What is this feeling I have pulsing through my veins?"

As these questions swirled through Elliot's head he remembered the glowing red ball of yunk ... he began searching immediately but could not find it anywhere. He rummaged through his wreck of a car and caught a glimpse of himself in the rear view mirror.

He jumped back, startled, in terror. "What The Fuck!?? Who/What is that!?" Elliot asked himself.

He began to look again into the mirror, slowly....

To Be Continued...

<3 @satchmo

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