Menghitung Penghasilan YouTuber

Everyone and their mother wants to start a YouTube channel after seeing the massive success of the platform's early stars. The source of the YouTuber's wealth is still a mystery to many, though. Many people are curious in the profitability of their YouTube channels and how to accurately estimate their earnings.

Creators can earn money from their videos if they have a large enough subscriber base, but only if their content is engaging enough to draw in viewers.

You need at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 views on your channel in the previous 12 months before you can start making money off of your videos on YouTube.

YouTubers can make money through a variety of methods, including YouTube Adverts, Affiliate Marketing, the sale of items and services, and endorsement deals, in addition to the clicks and views on the ads that display.

Earnings for YouTube creators are gathered in accordance with YouTube's guidelines. Revenue per Impression is the standard metric for determining a video's financial success on YouTube (RPM).

Each thousand times an advertisement is viewed on the YouTube channel, this RPM is the amount of money made.

Money (RPM) per one thousand ad impressions in Indonesia is around Rp. 7,000, but in other countries it is closer to $1.50. In addition to parameters like traffic quality, country of origin of the account owner, video genre, ad serving price, adblock, and number of clicks, RPM is decided by a variety of other metrics as well. This is why every YouTuber's revenue per view (RPM) and earnings are unique.

To determine this, let's pretend that 5,000 unique viewers have stopped by our channel to watch a video. This means that roughly 550 people are exposed to the full commercial. Using Indonesia's RPM of Rp. 7,000 per one thousand viewers, the appropriate figures can be arrived at.

We have finally located the necessary pieces to make the calculation. Finding out how much a youtuber will charge marketers is the first step in predicting their success. This is due to the fact that the YouTuber's take home pay is determined by multiplying the advertiser's cost per view by a profit sharing proportion of 55 percent.

If we multiply the number of RPMs by the number of viewers, we can calculate the advertiser's tariff burden: in this case, Rp. 7,000 x 550 ad viewers = Rp. 3,850,000.

This sum will then be multiplied by 55% of the profit distribution. That's IDR 2,117,500, or 55% of IDR 3,850,000 in profits. YouTube will provide this final digit to the account holder or uploader.

As you can see from the preceding equations, a youtuber's income is not limited to the methods described above (CPC). Transferred funds each click average between IDR 5,000 and 12,000. Three clicks out of every one thousand ad impressions is merely 0.3 percent.

AdSense is Google's advertising network product, and how profitable it is depends on a wide range of criteria. A YouTuber's primary objective should still be to amass the largest potential subscriber base.

Source : Menghitung Penghasilan YouTuber

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