Welcome to the insanity

We first published this at https://theunfakemedia.wordpress.com/2018/05/28/welcome-to-the-insanity/

If you spend any amount of time on the internet, you are sure to spend some of that time watching videos on YouTube. I have enjoyed watching videos on YouTube for some time and can say that there is some really good informative content and instructional videos, and you can find out how to do most anything from a YouTube video but in the last couple of years it has become evident that YouTube is purging out a lot of the quality content well pushing the worst brain rotting garbage possible and doing some of the most insane censorship imaginable well permitting some of the most vile repulsive inappropriate content and promoting it at the same time.

When ever you click the trending section of YouTube you will find not the content that is most popular but the content that they want you to consume so that you will be programmed into the mind-control of the new world order.

YouTube is EVIL!

It might be a strong word to use but if you look into the things that YouTube is doing you will realize that they are working around the clock to push out NWO mind-control filth 24/7. They also terminate countless people for daring to question the official story or expose what is really going on.

There has been a big reaction from the YouTube community of big time multi channel network YouTubers talking about the Adpocalypse where people are complaining about getting demonetized and having their income removed. These people are a bunch of FRAUDS that are just being used to make the censorship look broad when the real reason behind the YouTube purge is to remove anybody that talks about conspiracy facts and the NWO to be eliminated.

If you go onto YouTube and type conspiracy into the search you will find nothing but bullshit because they create tons of fake conspiracies and fake conspiracy pushers. Some of the biggest fake conspiracies on YouTube are the flat earth and the Mandela Effect. One of the main people you will see on YouTube when you search conspiracy is Shane Dawson an ultra narcissistic scumbag that has some of the most barf inducing mind-rotting content you can find.

The whole of YouTube is pretty much a cesspool of narcissism, idiocy and programming. The community on YouTube is mainly a bunch of losers that can’t get by in real world and make their way onto the internet to spout their stupidity and flaunt their narcissism.

YouTube is a window into the how our society has lost it, and we are now officially living in an insane asylum.

It would be nice if you could turn off your computer get off YouTube and find some semblance of sanity and common sense but that is not the case. Most of the world has lost it and went off the deep end after this fall there is an edge of a cliff that the sheeple are running towards that will be a fall to complete destruction.

For someone who is stuck living in the United Socialist States Of America I can say that in this country the current generation is the dumbest one to ever inhabit the earth. Some countries might even have dumber mind-control salves than the USSA but there defiantly are a handful of countries that have much smarter people than we have here in the USSA.

Common sense does not exist anymore; respect and honor are gone. And the morality of this country is complete degeneracy. There are small pockets of people who still have common sense and morality but for the most part it is a thing of the past.

Some people look at the emerging revival of right-wing conservatism online as a hope, but the truth is that the alt-light and alt-right are complete jokes and mostly frauds and shills working for the Zionists.

People think it is edgy now to be right-wing but these people don’t understand the real issues or want to embrace old-fashioned culture and good tradition. These people have fallen for the false left right paradigm or are actively working to facilitate it.

If you don’t want for the ride to stop and get off there is something wrong with you.

We are headed for the abyss, and things will not get any better before they get a lot worse.

This Tide pod smartphone dependent generation is out in the streets begging to have their rights taken away and have the few freedoms they have left thrown away. #MarchForOurLives is a march of the destruction of humanity.

Everyday things get more crazy and everyday I become more and more stunned by the insane asylum that is around me. I just have a disconnect and think how in the world did we go this far off into la la land. Besides being in this state of total idiocy we are in a state of slavery most people are mentally enslaved and we all physically enslaved. The first step is to remove your self from the mental bondage by completely rejecting the culture, the mind-control media and the fake reality they have us believing in.

After your mind is freed it will help you to think clearly about what you can do to loosen the shackles around your arms. If you are stuck living in big city or one of these super communist states like Commiefornia or Jew York then get out get out! It is only time before they start making it illegal to leave your district. If you are thinking it is much more free here out in the sticks then please to not be ignorant. I have lived in rural areas for my whole life and can say that living out here you are still very much enslaved and still have psychopaths with big guns ready to put you in a cage kill you or fine you if you do not obey their rules and pay their extortion. Taxation is theft and it is possible that a system of taxation could be made with bearable price that people pay to have a minimal government but this psychopathic system of comply or die that we are under right now is not freedom and is an affront to liberty.

The bloodsucking vampires think it is your duty to pay your fair share to fund their services to the community like kidnapping and indoctrinating children in the public education system. Extorting people on the roads via the police. When these bloodsucking vampires extort this money from you, they have to do some nice things with it like having fire departments, libraries, road maintenance, public parks, and the such so that the slaves think their money is going to good things and that the society would completely fall apart if this money was not extorted from them. They say that taxes are the price that you pay to live in society but I can say to hell with your society your solutions and your lies. People will yell but you will build the roads! We already have plenty of roads and we don’t need the state to maintain them. Let the roads fall apart! People will find a way to fix them and will maintain them if it there is a big need for it. In reality people don’t need to be traveling so much and it would be better to just go back to dirt roads and trails though the woods. I understand that the economy would collapse, and it could not function possibly without the modern road system and modern transpiration but this fake fraud Rothschild controlled economy can go to hell.

A lot of these drooling retards would die if we went back to an agrarian society and people had to live off the land but that is what these people deserve. It is true that we have really moved far away from and agrarian society and that it is pretty much impossible to go back but it is still good for people to desire the simple ways. If there was a solar flare and it wiped out the grid most people would die but at the rate things are going it might be beneficial to get people out of the mind-control and back into nature and force people to live off the land. Something that might just wipe everybody out if there was an EMP is that the nuke plants would melt down and spread toxic waste everywhere but maybe there is some way to stop that from happening. This is all just speculation and likely if there was an EMP it would be by the elite and they would have all their equipment protected and come in and take people to the FEMA camps but we can hope that enough people will wake up before it gets to that point.

Some people will call it fear-mongering if you talk about FEMA camps and it is true that there is a lot of fear mongering lies related to FEMA camps and the Wal-Mart FEMA camp stuff was likely put out by the controlled opposition NWO agents.

Shills like Alex Jones have made countless fear-mongering videos talking about FEMA camp coffins and all sorts of other things that never came to fruition. But the fact is that the government already throws tons of innocent people into cages and holds them for non crimes and kills tons of civilians via the Blue Line of terror. So do not be surprised if these psychopaths would haul people off to government concentration camps.

Who knows what they have planned for the human cattle next and we can only speculate what things are in store. One thing that seems certain is the trans-humanist agenda they are bringing down and the internet of things smart grid control/surveillance system. Here is a link to a post we did exposing IOT.

The war on cash is ramping up and it will only take time before they reveal the global cashless electronic currency.

The financial system we have right now is fraud central bank Rothschild controlled scam but the thing they have planned to replace it is even more controlled and fraudulent. People need to barter is much as possible and get some precious metals and other valuable commodities in order that they have some real money on hand and not just monopoly money created by the Federal Reserve.

Do all you can to free your self from the slavery and try to educate and wake up as many people as possible. There is a limited amount of time left before things get a whole lot worse unless something drastic happens that will halt the NWO.

Copyright The Unfake Media 2018

Image from pixabay.com

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