Youtube Channel Spotlight: Wretched

Youtube Channel:
Subscribers at Posting Date: 107,144
Official Website:
Steemit Membership: Nothing as of the date of this posting

This spotlight is written from the perspective of a Christian, so the utility of this review might not be very useful to a non-Christian reader. That being said, let us begin.

Wretched is a channel hosted by Todd Friel, an outspoken Christian whose voice belongs on the radio. The channel's videos range from open air preaching, to radio show clips, to pre-prepared presentations, including clips from other sources.

The Good:

  • Very solid theology, including the willingness to take on cultural issues. In other words, he might drive the point where it hurts to some viewers.
  • Advocate for life for those not yet born
  • I like his humor sometimes

The Not-so-good:

  • Sometimes he seems to be talking down to those on the other side of the camera, but I think it's just the way he speaks when talking to a camera.
  • His opinions on some things that are of less-than-utmost importance could be seen to be taking potshots at many facets of our modern-day Christian lives (but these could be good things to think about anyway, even for those who disagree). In other words, he might drive the point where it hurts to some viewers.

Overall: Very good if you can get over his extreme enunciation

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