A month off YouTube in Egypt

Egypt's High Court has ordered the closure of YouTube for one month. A lawyer from the country said that the announcement was made on Saturday by putting a video that was contemptuous to Mohammed (pbuh).

source- uc browser.com

Lawyer Mohamed Hamed Saleem filed the case against YouTube. According to the plaintiff's statement in Xinhua, "this is a final verdict, not appealing and enforceable."

Earlier, the country's lower court ordered the National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority to block YouTube. However, it will be difficult to apply, the appeal was later adjourned, according to the report.

Egyptian lawyer Salem filed a lawsuit against YouTube in 2013. He demanded that YouTube be banned from moving YouTube from YouTube and other anti-Islamic videos.

Salem said, "This sentence for YouTube will be a penalty which would be a major financial loss."

This video was first launched on YouTube in 2012. In this, Prophet Muhammad (saw) was seen to be anti-American movement in the Muslim world. It has been said that the video was made in California at private cost.

Salem said, "This offensive video" has influenced some fundamentalists to attack the US and British embassy in Cairo at that time.

It's not clear exactly how the country will be closed in YouTube. Reportedly, the YouTube service was launched in the country on Saturday afternoon.

"NTRA's responsibility to enforce the ban and there is no technical complication to do so," Salem warns, "I will file a lawsuit against NTTR chief if sanctions are not implemented."

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