You can also be popular on YouTube in these five ways

Online Desk How you present yourself in the era of internet and social media is a very important thing.

There are many people in different countries of the world who are quite popular in internet-based media. Let's talk about YouTube in this regard.

There are many people whose videos are watching hundreds of thousands or millions of people on YouTube. They are known to viewers as YouTube Star.

How did they become a YouTube Star? Why are thousands of people watching their videos on the internet? If you want to be a YouTube Star?

Many of these questions are answered today.

America's Youtube Star Justin Escalona thinks that you can become a YouTube Star.

This young man living in Chicago has provided a number of ways through which you can become popular on YouTube.

Firstly, he traveled throughout America to make videos on YouTube. The first one and a half year he has gone everywhere he has done video and uploaded it to youtube.

Second: Before you go to create a video you need to think - why are you trying to do this?

If you think you just did it for fun, then it is better not to do that. We have to decide whether people will have interest in this matter.

Thirdly: The video that you decide to do is different from others. It will be a matter of concern. Because there are thousands of videos on YouTube.

If you can not do something exceptional, the audience will not be attracted to it.

Fourthly: Just do not have to do video. Keep track of whether the video is quality or not.

Edit video well. Then it needs to be uploaded. People will not see any kind of video.

Fifth: Do not be afraid to start video on YouTube. You may think that you do not have expensive video cameras, no good equipment.

The video is not popular only if it is a good tool. Your mobile phone camera may be your property.

Whether you have a good idea for video-it's most important. If you are doing something that is funny or important, then it will attract visitors.

Videos need to be created in such a way that viewers can connect themselves to them. Visitors think you're one of them.

Visitors must integrate their daily lives with their own life. It is better not to try to get popularity by creating fake or false videos. Take the important and interesting things about your daily life.

That's the way you can be a YouTube Star. So start today

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