4 Best Ways To Earn Money From YouTube | For Beginners


Introduction To YouTube

Hello friends, This is jay and today’s article I’m going to share with you about the 4 best ways to make money from YouTube in 2018. If you are kind of person who are looking for financial freedom in 21st century, I would suggest you always become a Influencer. That’s 100% true. If you really wanna succeed in 21st century, just be an Influencer in any one social media first. And I would always recommend you to start with YouTube and You can also start Instagram and Snapchat. These two as well good fit to being an Influencer. Alright Let me talk about YouTube today. And in tomorrow’s blog post I would explain you about Instagram and Snapchat if you would comment below that you are interested to learn.
Alright, Now In YouTube you can earn money through 4 best ways as per my experience. Few days back YouTube has changed its algorithm and made it tough for people who were used earn money through Google adsense. Mainly they brought two major amendments. One is You need to have at least 1000 subscribers in One Year and that same year you also need to acquired 4000 Hours of watch time. So this becomes very hard for people those who were not belongs to these criteria. Don’t worry you can earn an additional income during the growth period as well. For that I would explain you all these 4 best ways to make money in YouTube. Let us dive in to the concept now.

4 Best Ways to Make Money In YouTube:

Here are the 4 best ways that anyone can earn money in YouTube, if you follow these below methods.

  1. YouTube Partner Program(YPP)
  2. Being an Affiliate Marketer
  3. Being an Influencer
  4. Drive Traffic To Your Blog or Website

These are the 4 best ways that anyone can earn a decent income from YouTube channel. Now let me explain briefly about all these 4 ways. So that you can understand these methods clearly and I would be happy if you would earn money with these methods. So keep reading till the end of this article there are lot of free tools and free stuff I’m going to give you further. Just keep reading.

1. Make Money With YouTube Partner Program |Adsense:


Making money with YouTube Adsense is not really hard but not that much easy as well. Because it needs two things if you really wanna make money with YouTube adsense.

a. Consistency,
b. Value

If you could able to follow these two areas honestly, you can easily make money with Google adsense. As I said, if you wanted to make money with YouTube adsense you need to achieve 1000 subscribers and 4000 Hrs watch time in the running year. Then you would get the approval for YouTube Partner Program(YPP). Once monetization activated, then your videos start showing ads to make you money.

So that You have to follow consistency and value in order to achieve 1000 subscribers and 4000 hrs watch time ASAP. Because as per the Google algorithm, if you Follow the consistency in publishing videos, their robots will crawl your videos immediately otherwise It will takes time if you fails to follow consistency with schedule time. And the second significant factor is Value. If your visitors don’t find value in your videos, then your watchtime will drops. Then it's hard to acquire 4000 Hrs watch time quickly. If you wanted to maintain “value” you need to choose any niche so that your subscribers will always encourages you and they would share your videos if they feel the value. Generally most of the people publish their videos on non related content. That means, if you are publishing videos related to cooking then don’t try to publish videos which are non related to cooking like handicrafts, singing or dancing etc. When you have a niche related videos on your channel, probably all your subscribers likes your content. If you confuse them with irrelevant content then your subscribers will unsubscribe your channel. So in order to maintain your subscribers, you have to publish very relevant and valuable content always.

Now I would explain you the best practices to run a successful YouTube channel to achieve these above two key factors.

i. Create a Niche Related YouTube Channel
ii. Observe others content if you’re not able to create content on your own
iii. Make a video on your own style with that content by adding something more.
iv. Always make sure your video file name should be your primary keyword.
v. Use long tail keywords for rank your videos in Tags: The best tool I use for YouTube keyword suggestion is: TubeBuddy
vi. Write at least 300 words description.
vii. Use very professional and very catchy Thumbnail to get more clicks.
viii. While you publish your video, opt for “Schedule” option to maintain consistency of timing. (Don’t choose “Publish” or “Unlisted” or “Private”).
ix. Share in all social media platforms immediately after the video has been published.
x. Pin your own comment
xi. Reply to all comments and love each and every comment you receive.
xii. Respond to all your comments and ask them that, what kind of content they are expecting from your future videos.
xiii. Repeat this same process to every video.

These are the best practices that will helps you to grow your YouTube channel very quickly. Don’t get involved in copyright practices. Otherwise your account will be banned and its very hard to get it back(99%, there will be no chances to recover your account once it have been banned).
So this is the procedure to earn money from YouTube adsense. Let me know if you have any questions regarding YouTube growth and YouTube adsense. Now let us dive into the second best way to make money from YouTube is affiliate Marketing.
Get My Free Mini YouTube Course: Quick YouTube Profits

2. Make Money With YouTube Through Affiliate Marketing:

affiliate marketer.jpg

My favorite and second best way to make money in YouTube is Affiliate marketing. This is the easiest way to earn money Through YouTube. Being an affiliate marketer you can even earn more than $10 per month. All you have to do is just create some Presentation or Review Videos for those products that you wanted to promote. After that follow all my best practices I have discussed above to get more organic views.

Procedure to promote Affiliate Products through YouTube:

i. join any affiliate marketing network. Like clickbank, Amazon Associates, JvZoo, peerfly, ShareASale or any other affiliate marketing networks. Clickbank is the easiest and best affiliate network to get instant approval and you can earn pretty handsome income.
ii. Choose the best niche that you can review through presentation. Like fitness niche, Business opportunity niche or spirituality etc.
iii. Then choose the two best products that you wanna promote.
iv. Make a power point presentation with the data available in their product lead page.
v. Sign up for Screen-O-Matic Screen Recorder for Free. Use this Screen recorder to record your presentation.
vi. And publish that video in your YouTube channel with the shorten affiliate link in the description.

Learn How to Do affiliate marketing: https://steemit.com/affiliatemarketing/@mohansampath/make-money-with-affiliate-marketing-like-pro-clickbank-affiliate-marketing-pro-strategy

3.Make Money With YouTube Being An Influencer:


There are hundreds of people who wants to promote their products in other’s YouTube channels like Instagram Shoutouts. Give your business email in your about page of your YouTube channel. They will contact you through email. Promote their link in your videos description. And get money from them for daily or weekly or monthly basis.

4. Make Money With YouTube By Driving Traffic To Your Blog Or Website:

It’s one of the best way to drive traffic to your

a. Blog
b. Website
c. Any landing page to collect leads

If you are running any website or blog or any affiliate page, you can easily drive your YouTube traffic to those pages. By increasing traffic to your webpage you can make money through Google Adsense. But most of the people drive their traffic to their Landing pages to collect leads. Because leads are most valuable assets in Online Industry. Your amount of success in online business mainly depends on how many leads or email list you have.


PRO TIP To Get Success In YouTube:

Hey friends, If you wants to rank any of the tags in your YouTube videos, use “Live Stream” Method. This method will helps you to rank any video even though it’s a very new channel. Use OBS Studio for live streaming. It’s a free software that helps you to create live stream broadcasting easily. If you can use this method, You can achieve 1000 Subscribers and 4000 Hours watch time in just 2-3 months time. Give a try today.



There are few other ways also available to make money with YouTube. But these are 4 easy and best ways to make money. Let me know your interest in the comment, If you are interested to know the others ways too to make money with YouTube. I love to share my experience with you all friends. And my Sincere gratitude to all of you for reading my blog. Please share this article if you feel it’s worth.

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