the mystery of the paradox in YouTube between subscribers and viewers?

What is the mystery of the strange paradox in YouTube and the disparity of numbers between subscribers and viewers?

Why some videos have generated millions of views from channels that have only hundreds or thousands of subscribers, you may find interaction with video great and positive ratings high, yet this did not mean that the channel should be joined by some viewers and click the subscribe button, for example You see a video of over 12 million viewers, while the channel has only 11,000 subscribers. Where did all these people come from, and why did not so many contribute to raising the number of subscribers to the channel to suit those millions?

On the other hand, we see some channels that have a large number of subscribers and they get a few views on the videos you publish, for example a channel with more than 60 thousand subscribers, yet find some videos in it and not only seen to hundreds, knowing that this number of Subscribers are real people who did not come from the sites of buying and selling illusion, and that they have participated in the channel because they are interested in the content published, so how do we explain the absence of the great majority of them when the new video?

This irony is what I would like to focus on in this article, to explain why the average user may be confused or the publisher may be frustrated across the YouTube platform.

The motive of temporary curiosity

One of the known facts about YouTube is that most subscribers to any channel have reached it through YouTube's recommendations, via the homepage or sidebar where the system, with the help of its algorithms, presents some videos that are thought to be unique and useful, and then accessed by individuals and groups, To the number that it is, and few of them reach the channel through the search box or through the mouths of fans.

You may embark on an open journey in the corridors of YouTube and wander among the wonders and strangeness, moving among the videos out of curiosity, a video of the longest men, and another for the top 5 trucks, and the third and fourth .... So you move between those videos that the system shows you as the next viewing suggestions, follow it without any prior intention or interest, and after each watch you leave the video without worrying about the red sign button under each video, you are now only curious to see what these titles are hiding Brilliant, having benefited and enjoyed, you leave without care.

In this case you do not subscribe to the channel, you see and then you leave, you are not alone, you are one of the thousands and perhaps millions of people who have come across the recommendations, watch and then leave, are not interested in what the channel publishes, so the vast majority do not share the channel, Views are great in that video that finds its way to the list of recommendations, the subscriber index remains low.

A stroke of luck or commitment and persistence

Often, those channels that do not get a lot of subscribers, do not publish the content on a continuous basis, the channel owner may publish some videos, and the lucky ones in one of them and reaches millions of users, but because of not continue to publish, the viewer may not find the motive to subscribe In the channel when he finds that the last video published a year ago, will know that no new can be issued from this channel, so he will leave after a lightning visit.

Another important thing about YouTube's algorithms is to recommend content to users. When you watch a video or two from a particular channel and then leave without a subscription, the system may recommend other videos from the same channel the next day. You might think you might be interested in that channel and what you publish. A channel that is not published regularly will not get it, and you'll lose that feature that contributes significantly to subscriber growth.

"Charlie bites my finger"

Many of us know the famous video of the little boy (Charlie), the bite of his brother, the video has harvested more than 800 million views to this day, and the channel itself has won more than 300 thousand subscribers, and when you enter the channel you will find that many videos followed the publication of that video Thankfully, this shows a good use of the surprise boom and the wide spread of one of the videos to support the channel and gain subscribers.

The second reason for the channel to have a good number of subscribers - which leads us to the next point - is the specialization of the channel, the channel has done well to stick to its specialization, which is to follow the march of the children themselves and to portray some of their funny positions and light cadres, thus providing a reason and motivation for the viewer to participate in the channel, So, where did Charlie and his brother arrive? Are there other "bites" that could occur in the future?

Do not stick to channel specialization

We now come to the second part of this paradox, the issue of the lack of viewers, despite the large number of subscribers in the channel, and one of the most important reasons for this is the lack of commitment to the specialization of the channel, or not to specify one specialty channel, the channel may publish video outside the specialization, and then hit with luck and spread and become larger And when the channel is published in its main specialty, most subscribers will not be attracted to it because they are not interested, so the videos will not get a good number of views.

Subscription module is not enough

We can consider that a video that did not reach more than 5% of the subscribers in the channel is a problem video or a problem channel. One reason is that the channel is multidisciplinary as mentioned above, but there is another problem even when the channel is sticking With its own specialization, a problem related to the quality and distinction of published videos.

Because the YouTube homepage is small - especially in the smart phone application - so it is difficult to view all the videos coming from the channels you subscribe to, especially if you are subscribed to many channels, so the algorithm system on YouTube picks you the most exclusive videos, From channels that are not subscribed to and others are neglected coming from the channels you are subscribed to, because they are more distinctive.

So the number of subscribers to the unit is not enough, may reach you a new user and subscribes to your channel and then miss you forever, Either the subscriber to activate the Alerts in the channel, or that you produce special videos worthy of proliferation, bringing the attention of the algorithms of the system within the YouTube Is in turn delivering the video to the rest of your audience, and perhaps to another audience if the video is satisfied with the algorithms that have become almost everything.

In conclusion ...
In the end, the numbers are not the most important. The most important thing is that the video leaves a real benefit and a good impact on people and in life. The video may benefit 100 people and their lives will change for the better, thus contributing to the renaissance of their nation and society. On the other hand, another video may watch millions of people, do not add anything to them, but feel remorse for their time, so these numbers do not matter, what matters is the impact.
I hope you benefit from my subjects and leave a good impact on the reader ..

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