YouTube Guide: How to Grow Your Channel With a Video Series

By creating a topical video series that provide solutions, on your youtube channel, you will become a valuable resource for your target audience.

Also, you will attract new viewers, interested people, and establishing yourself as an authority in your niche.

Research and Identify Topics for Your Video Series

Check Google Analytics for your blog or website. Make a list of topics related to your most popular posts and use it to come up with a list of video topics.

You can also ask your audience. Use an email survey to find out what they’re interested in. By asking for their input, you’re including them in your planning process and at the same time learning about what they’re struggling with. You can provide the solutions they’re seeking in your video series.

One technique that can help is to plan a month’s worth of YouTube content at a time. That way you’ll never be without a great video topic idea!

Create a List of Keywords and Phrases

After you develop a list of potential video topics, the next step is to find the searchability of these topics. Perform keyword research to help ensure your video topics align with what viewers are searching for on YouTube.

Tools like TubeBuddy or VidIQ can help.

After you identify keywords, work them into the video’s title, description, and tags. You need to tell YouTube what your videos are about so it knows where they fit on the platform.

Providing detailed information improves the chances that the right viewers will find your videos in search results or in the Recommended Videos sidebar.

When you publish your video, include the search phrase you want to rank for in YouTube’s search results in the Title field. In the description, fill in as many details as possible about the video.

You can also add links to related videos, a corresponding post on your blog or website, or even affiliate links in the description. In the Tags box, include the title of your video and any related search terms that apply to your video.

Create a Series of YouTube Videos Related to a Single Topic

Start by creating a series of five or seven videos. When planning the series, choose topics that are directly related to one another. This way, when viewers find one of your videos, it will be easy to encourage them to watch another video in the series.

From a tactical standpoint, a video series works well on YouTube because you can link to the “next” and “previous” videos in your series through the video’s end screen, YouTube cards, and links in the video description.

Get to The Point in the First 60 Seconds

YouTube cares deeply about the Watch Time and Viewer Retention metrics, so it’s important for you to understand this data. The most effective way to take watchability into consideration is to get to the point as quickly as possible in each video.

If you create a how-to video, for instance, start showing the steps or process in the first 60 seconds. When people are searching for a solution, they’re hoping to find that solution as quickly as possible, so a short introduction explaining what you’ll be teaching in the video will help provide it.

Ask them to Subscribe

The easiest way to invite a viewer to take action and subscribe to your YouTube channel is simply to ask them to subscribe! At the end of the video, you can say something like, “If you enjoyed this video and want to hear from me again, be sure to hit that Subscribe button before you go.”

Another tactic is to include a link to your channel in a pinned comment. Anytime you prompt the viewer with a call to action like “Subscribe for more videos,” followed by a link to your channel, you’re increasing the chances that they’ll follow through.

Drive The YouTube Viewers Into Your Sales Funnel

Remember that YouTube channel growth doesn’t necessarily equate to business growth, and growth in a number of subscribers doesn’t directly earn you more revenue. However, because YouTube is such a powerful search engine, attracting viewers can help you generate leads.

In addition to the call to action to subscribe to your YouTube channel, you can encourage viewers to take another step with you, such as:

Download a free guide or a free e-book (your lead magnet).
Opt into a free webinar
Join your Facebook group, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.

It’s very common to provide a lead magnet along with a YouTube video for list-building purposes.

As you generate leads for your email list, use a follow-up email series to help new subscribers get to know you and learn about your products or services. If you have a sales funnel, YouTube is a powerful way to attract leads that convert to customers.

By creating a video series that provides the knowledge they’re seeking or the solutions they need, you’ll become an expert and you will attract the right audience to grow your YouTube channel and your business.

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