George Orwell Predicted The Sordid State Of The World Decades Ago


In 2003 a documentary was released by the BBC, detailing the life and works of George Orwell. The prescient writer and journalist was best known for his book 1984, which paints a dystopian future for humanity. Ironically, he had used to work for the BBC, which was itself an unlikely inspiration for the book. In the book, a room 101 is referenced. Within, lying in wait, was one’s greatest personal fear. Used as a means of breaking any person into blind subservience, George Orwell had himself worked at room 101 in the BBC’s Broadcasting House, and several other parallels can be drawn between the nature of his work there and the book. It certainly looks like the BBC got the last laugh,


The documentary contains footage from his deathbed, and his final words are certain to send a chill down your spine.

“In the new world, there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph and self-abasement,” he begins, “the sex instinct will be eradicated, we shall abolish the orgasm.”

Orwell also says that “there will be no loyalty except loyalty to the party [state] and always there will be the intoxication of power. The thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy that is helpless. If you want a picture of the future , imagine a boot stamping on a human face…forever. The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one: Don’t let it happen. It depends on you.” Sound familiar? That’s the strange blind loyalty many seem to have to their political “ideology”….. Be it Democrats or Republicans, there seems to ever only be two choices regardless of their complicit agenda for such things as war.
1984 was written by a man intimately familiar with the propaganda machine. Its predictions are slowly coming to pass (some 30 years after the original prediction), from the endless wars designed to waste resources (and kill off excess population) rather than feed and strengthen the lower class(who might revolt), to the use of faux language, Orwellian Newspeak (which is itself a criticism of the kind of language used by the broadcasters news), such as “pre-emptive strike” in place of the more openly aggressive “invasion”.

From the Big Brother television screen monitoring your every action at home and NSA recording your every call, to the use of black sites on domestic soil (where people disappear into). The book is a must-read for anybody worried about the ultimate goal of the 0.01%, and gives one a few tools with which to critically analyse the actions of our leaders.



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