YOUTH is the backbone of the nation

Youth is the hope of the nation. Youth is the future of the nation. The importance of the position and role of the youth, to the extent that Bung Karno said, '' A thousand parents can only dream, one young man can change the world. '"(Bung Karno, Indonesian Lidah Rakyat)

In many of his speeches, Bung Karno also often exclaimed, "Give me a thousand men, and with them I will move Mount Semeru. Give me ten young men who smile their love for the Fatherland, and with them I will shake the world. ''

The position and role of youth is vital in the development so that the future of the nation is in their hands. It is on their shoulders that the hopes and ideals of this nation are hung so that the youth are required to play an active role and appear at the forefront of the nation's development, whether physical or mental, spiritual or character. Get up his soul, build his body, for Indonesia Raya.

History proves, pemudalah who became the breakers and determinants of this nation's history. Call it Bung Karno who in 1927 founded the National Party of Indonesia (PNI), when he was only 26 years (born in Surabaya, June 6, 1901). At the age of 44, he was with Bung Hatta who was then 43 years old (born in Bukittinggi, August 12, 1902) proclaimed independence on August 17, 1945.

Also Bung Tomo who waged war against the return of Allied troops to Indonesia on 10 November 1945 in Surabaya. At that time Bung Tomo was only 25 years old (born in Surabaya, October 3, 1920). November 10th is commemorated as Hero's Day.

Then Doctor Soetomo and Doctor Wahidin Soedirohoesodo who on 20 May 1908 founded Boedi Oetomo, the forerunner of the modern movement organization in Indonesia. At that time, Soetomo was only 20 years old (born in Nganjuk, July 30, 1888), and Wahidin was 56 years old (born in Sleman, January 7, 1852). May 20th is commemorated as National Awakening Day.

Even the young men who pledged Youth Pledge on October 28, 1928. They pledged, '' Ground water one, the Fatherland of Indonesia; one nation, the Indonesian nation; and one language, Indonesian. '' At that time they were on average 20-30 years old. Youth Pledge then culminate in the Proclamation of Independence of Republic of Indonesia 17 August 1945.

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