日前我讀了 這篇文章,心有所感。經過一番思考,醞釀出這個想法。我認為其實,無條件基本收入(UBI)也不全是人們要的。我相信,其實大多數的人花較多比例的時間在看文章、留言、點讚上,用在寫文章上的時間不多,所以人們更在乎的,是他們的點讚效力voting power(VP),而這,其實也是社群中社交很重大的一部分。前幾天也讀到一篇文章,更加深我的想法。此文中作者很開心她的點讚力能顯現出0.01SBD.

這是我想到的解法:基礎投票力。不是無條件的給予,以避免有人透過大量註冊帳號拿基礎投票力而毀壞steem經濟生態。而配套措施就是我下面說的去中心化圖靈測試,通過此測試的人可以獲得基礎投票力。具體能獲得多少投票力,我建議錨定為75~80%VP一次點讚產生0.01元的量(目前大約500SP),可以考慮增設虛擬steem power(SP),隨價格浮動,給通過認證的人。此虛擬SP不能power down, 代理給別人。當然,如果要實施此提案,要多少VP、SP、怎麼錨定可以再討論。因為我們分享同一個獎金池,讓很多新人取得額外的VP分享獎金池,對目前已經花錢買SP的人,會直接減少手上SP的影響力。不過,如果此提案奏效,長期來看可以讓更多人加入steem, steem價格上升,我們都贏了!

我的想法是這樣:在每個ID增設一個頁面,自己可以先聲明這ID是不是有真人操作,還是是機器人用、分身帳號,或不用原因,自己不需要基本投票力,然後可能也可以讓眾人在此留言評論供投票者參考。原則上公平起見,即使是真人帳號,開多個分身帳號,還是一人最多只能有一個帳號能有基礎投票力。最重要的是投票的部分,大家可以根據某帳號過去活動歷史,投票選擇該ID是本尊真人帳號,可以獲得基礎投票力,還是機器人、分身帳號,不應該獲得基本投票力。當然,如果有人那麼厲害,能寫通過圖靈測試的機器人,騙過大家拿基礎投票力,我不鼓勵,但也沒話說。細節投票部分,我建議可以用跟VP分開計算的resource credits(RC)計算。就像索取(claim)帳號一樣,做一次圖靈測試投票要花一定量的RC或steem. 然後每張票以目前投票者的SP(或有效SP)加權計算,同意給某ID BVP投票者的SP(或有效SP)加總,減去反對的給某ID BVP投票者的SP(或有效SP)加總,如果大於零,或是一個門檻(表示此用戶不僅是真人,而且是有貢獻的帳戶,不濫發廢文),則可以獲得基礎點讚力。這在每次投票後都做一次結算基礎點讚力的資格。為了保障花錢買steem的投資人權利,可以討論要花多少RC、基礎點讚力資格門檻。我提議1T RC或0.3steem, 然後門檻設為0.

EOS說要搞真人社交,steem不用讓他們專美於前,我們能先他們一步做出來,而且還是去中心化的。Facebook也要發全球幣了,密碼貨幣又多了一個強勁的競爭者。希望我的一些提案可以在HF21裡實現,改善steem, 讓steem再次偉大!歡迎大家參與討論。

PS: @steemchiller, 我覺得你做的steemworld很棒,我有些小建議:希望能有T, G, M, K 數量級表示RC, 不然算這麼多位數很麻煩。還有希望在索取帳號前,有顯示索取帳號一次要多少RC, 並且提供可以一次索取多個帳號。
@steempeak, 希望你們可以提供詞彙表,讓華人提供華語版翻譯,做出華語(繁體、簡體)介面。

特別感謝@htliao, @aaronli 幫忙翻譯

After trying STEEM for a while, it’s common that many newbies would easily become frustrated about the payout of their posts. Why? Isn’t it “Blog. Get Paid.”? According to my own experience, I found out that’s a huge obstacle in promoting STEEM. Many newbies facing the complicated STEEM system, and can’t get a sense of accomplishment when they posts article, comments, or vote. Also the website response time and UI language(I am a Huaren(previously known as Chinese, but actually I'm Taiwanese, not Chinese)) cannot be compared with mainstream social networking sites. So they usually feel frustrated and give up. Earning enough SP started from a free account, to have a vote that shows value(minimal 0.01) is fucking difficult.
Not long ago, I read an article from @deanliu , then I got some inspiration. After I had some food for thought, I incubated an idea. I thought that actually UBI(Universal Basic Income) is not what all people want. It’s because most people spend more time to read, comment and upvote, rather than writing posts. So, what most people care more about is their voting power(VP), and it’s also an essential element in a community. A few days ago I have read a post from @annepink, and it proves my thought. She was very glad that her upvote finally reaches $0.01.

Here is my suggest to solve it: Basic Voting Power (BVP). BVP is not given to anyone with no condition, so as to avoid mass register of accounts destroying the ecology of Steem. A measure of BVP is the Decentralized Turing Test. Users who pass the test can gain the Basic Voting Power. The specific BVP gained is suggested to be the amount which can produce $0.01 by an upvote with 75-80% VP, which is around 500 SP at this moment. Virtual Steem Power which fluctuates with Steem’s price can also be considered and it cannot be Power Down or delegated to anyone. Of course, the proposal related to the virtual VP, SP is always open for discuss. As we all share the same reward pool, the influence of our SP is affected and shared to new users. But for long term, it’s a win-win game as more people will join Steem resulting in the price rising of Steem!

Decentralized Turing Test(DTT)
It is my idea: A page is added to the profile of each ID. Users may declare whether the ID is operated by real person, or a robot, or mini account, or without any reason but states to decline BVP. Everyone can reply and comment as voter’s reference. To be fair, BVP is only given to ONE account of a user, no matter how many account one has. The key procedure is the voting. All users can vote to decide whether the ID is operated by real-person and is qualified for gaining BVP, by the activity history of the account. I don’t recommend you to write a bot for passing the Turing test, but if you succeed to write it, I can’t say anything. For the details of voting, I suggest to spend Resource Credits (RC) or Steem for a DTT Voting. The qualification of BVP is counted by the weight of voter’s SP (or effective SP), the SP(or effective SP) of people who agree minus the SP(or effective SP) of people who disagree to give a certain ID BVP, which is greater than 0, or a threshold (so the user is a real person and contributing to Steem by writing good posts). The quality to gain BVP is computed and judged once after each vote. To protect the rights of Steem investors, the amount of RC to vote and the qualification for BVP is open to discussion. My proposal is 1T RC or 0.3 Steem for one vote, with the threshold sets to 0.

EOS is going to launch a real people’s social platform Voice and Steem needs to catch up for this, and even a decentralized one! Facebook is also going to launch the Global Coin. Competitors are joining the game of Cryptocurrency. I wish the proposal can be implemented in HF21, to improve Steem and make it Great again! I am looking forward to seeing your opinions. Feel free to participate in discussion!

PS: @steemchiller I love your steemworld, and I have some suggestion: hope you can add magnitude like T, G, M, K to show the amount of RC so it can be better then to count the number of digits. And I hope it can show how much RC it needs to claim a account, and enable that to claim multiple accounts at once if one have enough RC or steem.
@steempeak, I hope you can provide the glossary, then we Huarens can translate it and submit the corresponding glossary in Mandarin, so you can make a Mandarin(traditional and simplified) interface easier.

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