Why don't you help others

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A popular quote "we make a living by what we get.............. But we make a life by what we give" - Winston Churchill

When I was a kid, anytime I go out with my dad, he would buy simple goods from poor people at very expensive prices, even though sometimes those items were not needed. Often times, he would pay extra for some items. I got perturbed by this questionable act of generosity and I asked him why he does so at the expense of his savings? He looked at me while standing akimbo and patting my softly on my shoulders and responded "It is a charity wrapped with dignity".

This simple but wisdom packed statement never for once left my mind untroubled as I was never able to unravel the mystery behind those words until I became of age and I understood what he intended

It has never been and will never recorded that someone got poor from giving, we rise by lifting others, charity is not about how much fame you want from it neither is it about the pity you have for the indigent BUT it is all about >LOVE. A man's true wealth is the good he does in this world and the smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.

"What we do for ourselves DIES WITH US, What we do for others and the world REMAINS and is IMMORTAL" ~ Albert Pine

I am going to continue to help others even with the little I have, why don't you do the same.

Thanks for reading the post, I hope a part of it touches you.

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