Why isn't the Jewish New Year in Aviv? And why isn't it called Yom Teruah?

The Torah says Aviv in the springtime is the first month of the year, but the Jewish New Year is on Tishrei in the fall. The Torah also calls the first of Tishrei "Yom Teruah", but Jewish people today call it "Rosh Hashanah". What gives, is Judaism wrong? Let's look at all the verses, and you'll see that Rosh Hashanah is actually 100% Biblical. Watch here: https://holylanguage.com/mishnah-45.html

This is a takeaway from my newest Mishnah Snapshots study. We also talked about these questions:
~Upon which dates is it believed that God decides for food, water, and physical life?
~Women, gamblers, and traffickers couldn't testify, what did Yeshua think?
~Imagine carrying a staff to fight thugs en route to Jerusalem!
~How were the Lubavitch Rebbe's emissaries similar to Yeshua's apostles?
Watch the full-length version of lesson 45 here: https://holylanguage.com/mishnah

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