Nobody knows the day or the hour. An appointment.

There is one day of the year

And it establishes all other Divine Appointments (feast days) for each year.

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Why is the day or the hour not known?

Because it depends on two things. We first have to know if the barley is ripe (the first fruits). If so, then the first fruits can be offered. If not, we will wait until the new moon comes next month. Then we have to establish the sighting of the new moon.

People shouting, children playing, and celebrating right now.

At sunset today, we will wait to find out if the new moon has been seen by two or more witnesses. If so, this evening will begin day one of Yom Teruah and the trumpet blasts will begin. They will continue in a variety of flavors for two straight days.

Right now, one can see this happening (or not) by tuning in to the live camera in Israel

This two-day festival calls us to remember! If it starts tonight, it will end at sunset on Wednesday evening. If not, then it will start on Tuesday or Wednesday and end forty eight hours later.

First Fruits

Shaul teaches that the risen Yeshua is the first fruits of the dead, which is important since He will call His own from the dead and from the living at the last trumpet blast - sunset of the second day of Yom Teruah.

Why does He call his own?

He is calling them to come to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. A weddings in Hebrew culture, and moreover the consummation thereof, normally runs for seven days. The couple would be secluded in a tent (Sukkah) and have those seven days to make the wedding official by consummating it.

There many shofar blasts leading up to the final great shofar at the end of the festival. These correspond to the heralding of the coming of the bridegroom. Teclusion of the two in a tent for seven days corresponds to seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot).

As a related topic, the new moon is so hard to see because it occurs just after sunset. In English we call this "Dusk" but in Hebrew it is referred to as "In the twinkling of and eye."

I know some of you study prophecies in English. I have touched on only a tiny fraction of the coincidences related to this Hebrew holiday and prophecies found in the bibles of Western cultures. If you study the bible, you may see the significance of some of these terms.

We celebrate for two days with Honey and Apples plus lots of noise! So take a couple of days off of work. You deserve it.

As of right now, there is no reported sighting of the new moon and I hear no trumpeting.

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