we need strength in mind

10cccbifj7.jpgWe need strength in mind, mind, and behavior. You get annoyed by the short word. Be calm because others have you. A little wealth, a little post, a little strength multiplies your arrogance. Be like the Ujjain monk. There is a story about him in the Bhagavatam. The persecutors chased him. His legs and hands were tied. They spit on him and scoff. But he laughed at them. We need that kind of strength. Physical strength is different from mental strength. Pray, perform hymns. Think of yourself as infinite pleasure and infinite strength. Wealth gives us some pleasure. But the soul is a form of bliss. You don't need anything. Get used to thinking. Quit being angry today, or just for a week. If one strikes you, remember that you are not a soul.

Om: Zionist Maya.Om Bhu: Sanyasthya Maya, Om Swa:Sanyasthanam Maya, Om Poorbhusvam: Sanyasthanam Maya.

"Every day, when I take a bath, you should say this mantra." '' This is the pride of the monks who had been chanting mantras.

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