You Deserve a Break: Discover the Beauty of the Pause

YGT Up Before The Sun Private Group

🌅 Up before the sun with gratitude on my mind. I'm sending this message to you as the day begins to unwind. Before the hustle and bustle, before you join the fray, I implore you to pause and unplug for a moment today.

In a world of buzzing screens and constant light,
Where life's a whirlwind from morning to night,
I want to share a secret, Beloved, it's true,
Almost everything will work with a break or two.

So close that laptop, step away from the race,
Let your thoughts wander, find a peaceful place,
Imagine a hammock, swaying in the breeze,
Or a babbling brook under the shady trees.

Photo by Soulful Pizza

Put away that phone, let its ping softly fade,
Allow your mind to rest like a sunbeam-lit glade,
Close your eyes gently, feel the sun's warm embrace,
As it kisses your cheeks in this tranquil space.

Let your thoughts drift like clouds in a boundless sky,
No need to cling to them, let them float on by,
Feel the earth beneath you, so steady and true,
Almost everything will work, including you.

Photo by Ida Rizkha

My Beloved, take this message to heart, it's for you,
To remind you to pause, and refresh what is true,
Release the day's knots, let your worries subdue,
Almost everything will work, and so will you.

So, here's my loving wish, as we part for the day,
Remember, Beloved, you're not alone on your way.
Take a pause, unplug, in yourself, find the clue,
Almost everything will work, and it starts with You.

You Got This! 🌟 In this grand journey of life,
We stand by your side, through joy and through strife.
Today, take a breath, in this moment, let's start,
Embrace your own magic, let love fill your heart.

Today, take a mindful breath, unplug from the rush,
Embark on a journey of self-awareness, a hush,
Recharge your spirit, let your inner light shine,
Almost everything will work, Beloved, you'll be just fine. 🌟

In this pause, in this break, rediscover your essence,
In stillness, find your own profound presence,
Go on, my dear Beloved, let yourself renew,
Almost everything will work, especially, and most importantly, You. 🌼

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