XUVCoin Masternode Set Up

Hi, I would like to show you guys how to set up remote vps masternode for XUVCoin . Just follow my guide you guys will able to set up a masternode less than 30 minutes! :)

Let's get started.

First you guys need create vps server. I will use vultr for this guide. Here is the link to start https://www.vultr.com/?ref=7188571

Required Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04

Setting Up a Server

After creating Vultr Account click on the big plus sign
2017-11-25 22_08_15-My Subscriptions - Vultr.com.png

It will take you to the creating server page.

1.First choose your server location. Which means choose the closest place to you. In my case Chicago.

  1. Choose Server Type.
    We would like to choose Ubuntu 14.04
    2017-11-25 22_13_49-Deploy Servers - Vultr.com.png

  2. Choose Cheapest Server Size :)
    2017-11-25 22_15_45-Deploy Servers - Vultr.com.png

  3. Give it a server name. I named simple XUVCoin-1
    2017-12-03 12_01_12-Deploy Servers - Vultr.com.png

  4. Press Huge button Deploy Now and done. Let's wait until server is finished.

Setting up a control wallet with a masternode configuration.

After we have finished setting up a server. We are going to click on the manage
2017-12-03 12_10_11-My Subscriptions - Vultr.com.png

Download Putty In order to access to the server. Here is the link.

After downloading putty go to your windows search bar and search for the putty word it should show up. Now open up your putty in order to access to the server

Now go back to your web browser. You should see this page.
2017-12-03 12_12_01-Manage - Vultr.com.png

Copy your server ip address put it in the putty.
2017-12-03 12_14_13-XUV - Wallet.png

Press Open and press Yes. You should see a terminal looks something like this.
2017-12-03 12_15_24-XUV - Wallet.png

Now type the username:root
press enter
after that copy or type the password. Copy the password from vultr and paste to the terminal simply right click on mouse will paste to the terminal. Password will be hidden.

It is just simply copy paste from now on. Just copy what I have and paste to the terminal :).

  1. Let's update and upgrade the server
    sudo apt-get update -y
    apt-get upgrade -y

Note: when you see the this thing just press enter inside terminal.
2017-11-25 22_48_43-.png

  1. Let's install essentials
    sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libtool autotools-dev pkg-config libssl-dev libboost-all-dev autoconf automake

  2. Installing libsecp256k1
    sudo apt-get install git
    git clone https://github.com/bitcoin-core/secp256k1
    cd ~/secp256k1
    sudo make install

  3. Install libminiupnpc
    sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev libminiupnpc-dev

  4. Install libgmp
    sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev

  5. Install Openssl
    sudo apt-get install openssl

  6. Install Berkeley 4.8
    apt-get install software-properties-common && add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
    apt-get update
    apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev

  7. Allocating Memory with Swap
    sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.img bs=1024k count=1000
    sudo mkswap /var/swap.img
    sudo swapon /var/swap.img
    sudo chmod 0600 /var/swap.img
    sudo chown root:root /var/swap.img

Now we going to use nano. Nano is linux notepad
sudo nano /etc/fstab
Press bottom arrow and scroll to the bottom and paste this
/var/swap.img none swap sw 0 0
2017-11-25 23_51_34-Innova Core - Wallet.png
Press CTRL-X > Press Y > Press [ENTER]

  1. Installing and Compile the Wallet From Source Code
    cd ~
    git clone https://github.com/XUVCoin/XUVCoin
    cd ~/XUVCoin/src
    make -f makefile.unix # Headless

Note: 10-20 Minutes Wait time here
10.Command and Running XUVd
strip XUVd
sudo cp XUVd /usr/bin/

Important Note in order to sync your windows cold wallet:
Go to your windows search bar and typed %appdata% click on the folder
2017-12-03 12_25_41-New Text Document (2).txt - Notepad.png
Which will bring you to this location C:/users/Your windows username/appdata(hidden)/roaming and find XUV folder and click on it
2017-12-03 12_28_57-XUV - Wallet.png

Now Find file name XUV.conf and open up and paste this info

2017-12-03 12_33_03-XUV.conf - Notepad.png
Save it and exit and open up your XUV wallet let it syncing

11.Getting masternode private key
Go to your windows XUVCoin wallet and open up
Now go to Help> Debug Window > Console > Type masternode genkey and you should see output this is going to be your masternode private key copy it and save it somewhere

2017-12-03 12_21_27-XUVCoin-1.png

  1. Configuring XUV Coin For a Masternode

Now do this.
nano ~/.XUV/XUV.conf
Copy and paste this.

masternodeaddr=[your-server-ip-address-here my is ]:19117
masternodeprivkey=[your masternode private key from step 11 my is 69mNkqvjpHMC9Yk2T9tVm8aCu7EY644XKVktjbBxwvp7fyodHtb]

Press CTRL-X > Press Y > Press [ENTER]

We are done configuring the masternode now let's started XUVCoin masternode!
Great we are almost finished!

13.Configuring Masternode Cold Wallet

Let's go back to windows XUVCoin wallet.
Go to Receive > New Address MN01 > Press OK
2017-12-03 12_48_43-XUV - Wallet.png
Let's copy adress
2017-12-03 12_49_51-XUV.png
Send Exactly 3000 XUV coins. NOTE: Go to your transactions wait for at least 15 confirmations

14.Getting TxHash and TxIndex
Now Go to Help > Debug Window > Console > Type masternode outputs
You should see some thing like this but different values
2017-12-03 12_52_42-XUV - Wallet.png
Copy this information and save it and exit out from console.

15.Creating Masternode from windows.

Now go back to your windows wallet go to Masternodes > Create
Fill out like this
2017-12-03 13_16_23-Add_Edit XUV Node.png
Press OK

Now Press Update
2017-12-03 13_04_48-.png

After that press Start All

Your masternode is completed

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