An idea for the future of XP Coin


I am Nem, and I have been with XP Coin since day one and as such I have a few coins lying around ;).

I am writing here today because I am concerned about XP Coin's longevity and what seems like the lack of project direction and a disregard for community interest / awareness.

The below are just my thoughts of a potential solution. I would like the community to start discussion and comment below with their thoughts on the matter.

Before I start, has anyone seen the previous roadmap XP team released? I have been to Egypt and I found the hieroglyphs on the ancient walls easier to understand than the 'holy shit its green' white paper.

So with no further delay let us get this ball rolling and talk about things that could help revive interest in XP Coin.

XP Coin – Simple to understand

Some of the greatest human discoveries are the most simple eg: The paperclip. We don’t need an education to learn how to use one, and we all inherently know how the little thing works. Simple.

So how do we make XP coin simple to understand?

Considering that XP Coin is currently a rewards project; maybe we could use that to its design advantage.

I am sure that most of us have played Diablo or World of Warcraft at some stage. We all understand the importance of gaining XP so we can level-up. The leveling process is simple to understand and gaining levels provides greater rewards.

Possible solution: This is what I like to call my RPG crypto model.

  1. Change XP coin to a Masternode coin.

  2. Add multiple layers of rewards, or ‘levels’ in a tiered system.

  • Entry level is low eg: we all start at level 1 and get rewards of say 1%. eg: 0-1mil XP = 1% Masternode income.
  • After we have gained some XP, we achieve 2mil XP and level 2. Our rewards are now 2% etc….
  • 20 levels could be introduced in this manner for rewards up to 20% annually.
  • The minimum requirements to level up should be kept low(ish) eg: 1% per million XP up to the full 20% reward at 20 mil XP.
    This would encourage newbies to save and holders of XP coins to stay invested in the XP coin up to a certain level and only trade the profits they achieve after reaching max level.
    (Instead of flipping 100% or their XP daily on the exchanges bleeding the system dry.)

The master node system has to work seamlessly and automatically within the XP wallet, with support for Windows, Linux and Mac. (I am a seasoned IT pro and even I don’t want the hassle of maintaining or paying for a VPS. I am sure most of the community feels the same way.)

XP Coin – Simple to use

We all use smart phones these days, what we need is a clean, low bloat, simple payment solution that is mobile based. (I just tried to google ‘XP coin, mobile wallet’ and got 0 results.)

  1. Simple to understand mobile wallet with little to no features.
  2. Wallet should have a simplified GUI containing only a large BALANCE followed by a PAY and RECEIVE button.
  3. An address book could be added for frequent payments to the same party or website.
  4. At a later date, a USD $ exchange value could be added below your balance for reference.
  5. Mobile wallets should make extensive use of QR codes.

Let the community decide how to use XP coins:

Now as you will all agree paperclips are used in a variety of ways some of the ways not even thought of by its creator, which leads me to my next point.

It is not up to the XP Devs to decide how XP coins are used. Devs should focus on XP framework, not use case scenarios that do nothing for the development of the coin itself. Events such as Football betting, Quiz night and Throw darts at Evangelo for XP evening etc... do not help further the Brand. Personally these announcements just piss me off, because they remind me that to date nothing has been done. ( That we can see anyway )

Now I get that the team is trying to build the community... BUT The simplest and most efficient way to build the brand & the community is for the Dev Team to invest in, work with and promote community created and approved projects.
A use-case could be XP's version of crowd funding. Maybe the community could vote as to who and what projects gets supported?

Examples of this could be some of the following:

  1. Someone decides to start an environmentally friendly farm, where not only are they having little to no impact on the environment but provides local community with a healthy food source. They may need a new poly tunnel.
  • They apply to XP team for XP coins to purchase a new poly tunnel.
  • If granted, the farm receives the XP required to purchase said poly tunnel in exchange for advertising on their product labels. For a period of time agreed by both parties.
  1. A Community of LAN gamers with poor internet access decides to organize a local LAN event.
  • They apply to XP team for coins to provide as rewards to the winners.
  • If granted, the organizers receive XP coins as prizes for their gamers in exchange for advertising on their social media, website and on site at the event for an agreed period of time.
  1. A community initiative starts a solar farm.
  • They apply to the XP team for coins to help fund an advertising campaign.
  • If granted, the business receives XP coins in exchange for a logo and advertising on the companies monthly invoices. Or agrees to accept XP coins as a payment option.
  1. Etc etc…

Not last and definatly NOT least

The XP Team’s decision to remain anonymous is undermining the XP project and toxic to the XP coin brand in general. Your anonymity leaves the community in a permanent state of doubt as to the longevity of the XP coin project and is largely considered a coin to simply be pumped and dumped.

If your community at any time, believes that you ‘reserve the right’ to simply disappear at a moment’s notice, then we may as well all go home as this project will NEVER gain traction or adoption by the mainstream community.

I have been overjoyed over the past few months to witness the exceptional growth and cheery attitude of the XP community only to see the lack of leadership and vision bring to it discontent, doubt and decline. (Which has directly influenced the price since Jan) You guys sure know how to make yourselves broke.

In my humble opinion I believe what we need is a simple to understand, simple to use crypto currency that we can easily identify with. The XP community can choose for themselves if they want to use XP coin as a store of wealth or a means of payment, The XP Dev team should simply provide the tools to do so.

I honestly believe that If a symbiotic community culture is established, where the XP team realizes that XP coin belongs to all of us XP will only grow in the future.

PS: Oh and one last, last thing, RELEASE THE DEVELOPMENT MAP…. I don’t care if it is written on some used toilet paper and is changed twice a day, but anything is better than nothing. Nothing is killing this community.

Please post your comments below for what you would like to see come out of the XP Coin Dev Office.

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