World war 3 why we should not be afraid.

For many years we have been told about world war 3, its been in TV shows and just put out their over the years in conspiracy's. What`s really going on well could it be problem reaction solution, could it be goverments knowing war creates resources well yes. But what is this really about ask yourself are you afraid ?? What do you do in your day to day life ?? are you peaceful is that reflected in your day to day life ??

What do I think, am I clear of fear no, no I`m not but when I am faced with it my true self comes forward, one thing I have also noticed if you do not learn form the past you will repeat it, have you learnt from your past could you be doing more to change yourself ?? I am still somewhat a lost man however I am largely at peace still with problems and falling back into old habits but still humble confidence you might say.

The law of correspondence is the law that governs the universe the most, look it up if you are not familiar, in essence what you focus on grows, is their a ww3 in my mind no I still fight demonds but this can only hurt one if one allows it too, look out for good news not bad news and only allow certain things into your space. Understand innerstand and overstand that and WW3 will not happen, right now some beings want this to happen but they need your help, you can withdraw your help.ww3.jpg

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