Hillary Clinton doesn't know how to be graceful in failure.

It's obvious to anyone with a brain that the 2016 Election was a populist cycle. The poorest in our nation suffer complete financial ruin if they get so much as a broken arm. Things are bad, and the only thing the establishment politicians care about is their own ass. They can't stop wafting their own farts toward their noses. They love the smell of their own ass that they shove their head up there. They look at the economy with a polarized lens focused entirely on how their own bank accounts are performing - not only do they set policy in their own favor, they leave office to join a lobbying firm to keep the system rigged in their favor, and when they aren't getting their way they run for office again and take bribes from their lobbyist friends who were their co-workers not that long before.

That all in mind... Hillary Clinton tries to play off her loss as some sort of fluke- like the country isn't hemorrhaging from the economical wounds that the poorest among our nation suffer at the hands of the stated above. Not only did she ignore the poorest, she used platitudes and cliches to promote herself as a better candidate. That alone was bad enough, then when the majority of the country made it clear that they wanted a better answer, she sort of leaned in Bernie Sanders' direction with an obvious fake smile.

How can I express this more clearly? She never stood a fucking chance. Every time she opened her mouth, nothing substantive came out. That drove her numbers further down. Whenever she leaves the public eye, people start to like her... then when she peeks in to see who's talking about her, everyone remembers she's a monster. No, not ugly. She's always been attractive.. aesthetically. Her personality betrays that facade, though. Her policy positions are abysmal, not only because Hillary Clinton is a war hawk, she pushed for laws that hurt the majority of the nation's black population. Imprisoning children and calling them super-predators without conscience. Tearing families apart and actively making their lives worse.

No, Hillary. James Comey wasn't why you lost, Wikileaks wasn't why you lost. Russia wasn't why you lost. You lost... because you are who you are. You may not look like a blob fish, or a tortoise... but you are just as Republican as they are.

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