Writing Prompts (Week 1) - armchair.



He was sitting in the armchair, a small drop of sweat was rolling down his cheek, "hello dad, how are you?" -his son asks him when he got home from university- his father was holding his cell phone so it is obvious that he was awake, but "why does not he answer?" - is the question that begins to hover in the boy's head.

He decides to approach the armchair, only to notice the situation: his father - totally drenched in sweat - has on his chest a vest, loaded with explosives C4 and with a note that says: "do not call the police or explode."

"Oh my god!" The boy yells as he drops the books of the university. "His eyes full of despair, begin to walk around the complex device, endowed with an electronic system of extreme precision and delicacy, which far exceeds his basic knowledge of electricity.

In this moment of extreme TENSION the boy shows a surprising calm, possibly because of the many movies he has seen or because of the grass he had smoked minutes before in college.

Anyway, his mind was totally focused on trying to help his father, he must do it, in his mind resonates the words of his mother before passing away: "son, never deviate from your father", but if he could not call the Police, how the hell could you help his father?

While the boy racks his brains, he hears the voice of his dad who says: "son, don´t worry about me, go out while you can and save yourself, I had a good life and I´m grateful to God for allowing me to have you and share with you so many moments that filled my life with color and joy "

"No dad, do not say that please! we'll come out of this together, you'll see! I can not leave you here, you're the only family I have left and I made a promise to mom, I'm not leaving you! " -the son says as his eyes fill with tears-.

"It's alright son, I need you to do me a favor" - while trying to avoid breaking his voice - the son comes to the chair and says as he places his hand on his: "Of course dad, what you Ask me".

"Go to the garage and in the red tool box, you will find a hidden compartment, inside which is an envelope, please bring it" the boy runs at full speed, opens the garage door and starts looking for the envelope, finally what get, at that time the garage shudders by the force of the explosion "Daaaad!" shouts the boy as he runs to the house, can not pass due to the intense flames.

His face is the living image of pain, in his hand he holds the envelope that is written on the outside "for my son", when the boy opens the envelope on the first line he says: "Good morning everyone, this is your news ... " At that moment he awakens from that horrible nightmare, thanking God for having his family alive and hoping to enjoy that day like no other.

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