Footprints in the Sand - An aFa Challenge

Thought I would share with you my interpretation of a photo challenge -I originally wrote it on my blog A Dalectable Life.

Frank, over at A Frank Angle, a wonderful blogger and expert in getting his readers to participate in various challenges, has created yet a new one. Write a 150-or-less word story on the image below. Well, as an avid participant of Friday Fictioneers, how could I resist? Plus, an extra fifty words - What?? The rules and regs are quite simple. We all get the same picture and must title our story: "Footprints in the Sand". Frank first mentioned the challenge on July 2, explaining just how this whole party works. Go ahead and join in on the fun!

Genre: Contemplation

Word Count: 150


It was early. Way too early for the regular folk and she loved it that way. Alone with her thoughts, she felt peaceful, almost meditative. As she gazed across the sand into the indigo of the ocean, she noticed a set of footprints.

They reminded her of her late friend, Roxanne. She still carried the plasticized card with that biblical "Footprints" poem. She couldn't remember when or why Roxie gave it to her but she had kept it all these years anyway. She wasn't the praying kind nor the church-going type but that card definitely had a special place in her heart.

She never thought she was being "carried by Jesus" when she lost her son, father, husband over the years. She was resilient. Life was tough sometimes and you just had to deal with what came your way. But maybe, without focusing on it, she'd had a little help?

For those of you who've not read the poem, here it is:


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