Invisible Treasures - Introduction


Invisible Treasures

Everything that the naked eye can't see is an invisible treasure. To notice it you must look beyond what you see (yes, as in the Lion King movie), and you can observe it both in people and in landscapes, objects, animals, etc. Simply by carefully observing you will begin to see the inner beauty of things. If you still do not understand me, don't worry, now I will begin to explain with more details about it.

What is a treasure?

It is the wealth that is stored and hidden in a chest and buried deep so that it is not discovered unless you have a map indicating the exact address. The pirates used to have a lot of wealth and hide them under the earth so that no one will steal their precious treasure, many lasted for years until someone found the map that would lead them to it, and when they found it, people were overwhelmed with such beauty and wealth because Of course, the silver shone and was something beautiful to look at, but until you opened the chest you did not know how much wealth was inside, if it was an empty chest or if the wealth that there was was very little.


What treasure are we talking about?

Of the treasure that is inside people and things. Of the beauty that is deeply hidden and that you can not see with the naked eye, I am talking about: qualities, virtues, defects (yes, defects are also treasures since not everyone shows you their way of being completely, and defects are part of who you are), among others.

Of course, it is necessary to make a separation here and explain individually what is the invisible treasure in things and in people.

I will be publishing a series of chapters with the variety of treasures that I have personally classified and I consider that there are.

I hope they are to your liking and tell me in the comments if you agree with me ;)

Thanks in advance for reading and I hope you are very well

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