Hello! I am Dammie, again with another series called the Poem Series.

I have been struggling to write and post works like poems or short stories here because I don’t have much confidence in my work. And I even got a call from my friend on Steemit asking me where I have been, imagine that! For context, I have previously showed him a few of my works and he seemed genuinely pleased with them. So I have a personal connection to the question he asked me.

Now that I think about it, one of the main reasons I backed out from writing is not because of criticism, as I am a huge supporter of that, but more that I fear that no one cares and might not even bother to read it. It does sounds a little high-handed but hear me out; having an audience to provide entertainment is genuinely heart-warming for a writer.

I have tons and tons of content that I want to share but I feel without an audience in mind, I kind of just post for myself, which isn’t the reason I started writing. My main inspiration is my mom who is a book lover and I have always wanted to write stories she would love to read since I was kid. And that is what kept me writing for as long as I have.

So, I was honestly pleased that someone somewhere can read my work and actually want to see more of them. Him calling to ask why I haven’t been posting makes me happy that at least I have a small audience I can think of when I create more content.

So that’s where the idea of this series comes from. It is going to be a daily post of two poems and my thought process while composing them. Although I am not a fan of explaining the reasoning behind my works because I love to hear genuine feedback, I will include a commentary so I can at least explain the dark-themed works without looking all bonkers.

So those are my views on why I put off writing for so long and the reason for this series. I don’t know of anyone can sympathise with this point of view and if you can, I would love to hear about that. Also, I know writers have their own different challenges but this is what I personally experienced.

If you can check out my series, let me know what you think, if you like it and all.
Thanks for reading and hope to see you there!


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