Is written word stronger than spoken word?

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By stronger we mean more impactful. On the off set one would possibly say that spoken word is stronger than written word. The rational could be that written word evolved from speech so spoken word is more impactful. Think about a good speaker who can rally a live crowd of thousands. A great speaker can warrant triumphant recognition from a crowd with thundering cheers and applause. We bear testament to spoken word's power simply from the resulting output of energy from the crowd. The loud cheers and applause are a sort of measuring stick to determine how powerful the spoken word was.

On the other hand we can look at the ability of written word to be ordered and structured unto perfection. A perfectly structured written sentence can effortlessly facilitate comprehension of complex ideas. Impromptu spoken word doesn't provide the level of order and structure as a written word. From this perspective written word takes the cake.

In general a speech is often memorable but short lived on the other hand a writing can last a very long time. It is understood that in times of old traditions were verbally passed on by word of mouth. Even today word of mouth is popular. Still written language has become the primary way in which we record history and pass on information through generations.

Is a on the fly Dtube Video more impactful than a Steemit Article? Are they equal in Impactfulness? Does it boil down to preference? Of course together their powerful as well. Although some may find a pre-written speech intense and moving others may view a pre-written script as less exciting than one from the heart and on the fly. There are various angles to look at this conundrum. Do you have an angle to add to the mix?????????? Input is healthy and appreciated!


Image Source: Google Images

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