Why our definition of Failure is all wrong?

¨ I am convinced that theres no such thing as an overnight success.I believe its a fallacy ...a myth to believe that overnight , 24 hrs..someone can turn into a worldwide phenomenon. Like that lady who was once in a market place and then she sees Picasso and so she goes up to him and says '' Picasso can you draw me a portrait?''. And ofcourse he said ''Sure I'll draw you a portrait ''. He reached for a pen and paper and walaa!! in 30 seconds sketched a beautiful portrait of this lady and handing it back to her he said ''That will cost you 30,000 dollars '' and she replied and she said ''How can you charge me 30,000?that took you 30 seconds.'' He then said '' Lady, it took me 30 years to be able to do that in 30seconds''. And it was so amazing that, that time,that unforgotten,that invisible world beyond the bottom of the iceberg, underneath the water, the part you dont see is actually what made you see today possible.

When I look at the definition of failure in the English dictionary,its defined by three words, lack of success,but that means we dont...we dont value learning, we dont value growth, it means we dont value experience and struggle and our obsession with winning which is us letting go of everything we could be learning at every single point.

Even when I was younger , I remember enamored with stories of failure. Having heard stories passed down or books and biographies about those who could change the world , whether it be their own or other peoples worlds.

There was a young cartoonist and all the editors and newspapers journalist said that he lacked natural talent. They rejected him and after countless rejections ,it was actually a Pastor from a local small church who gave him an opening to start drawing little cartoons in the back of the church in this small ,little shed. And one day this young man saw  a little mouse running around and believe it or not that was the birth of Mickey Mouse,...that cartoonist was Walt Disney who went on to win 22 Academy Awards.

Then we have the story of the lady who wanted to enter television and she was told that she wasn't fit for television standards.She was told that she would never make it on TV. Her name's Oprah Winfrey and she became the most influential women in the world.

And then I have my favourite failure story of all time ...the story of Moses . The Guy was your perfect stereotype formula for failure, a blend of melancholy and phlegmatic , introverted and pessimistic, a stammer and a declared criminal, he still went on ....Gods power was made perfect even in his weakness..The man who considered himself a total misfit ,he decided to let go of the consequence and plunge into the experience. And by just making that right choice , it lead him to his destiny.He not just became a powerful leader,but he became the otherwise lost ,hope of the people ... he changed the course of history.

The Ultimate measure of a fail up, is not where we stand within it, in Comfort and Convenience. But how we keep grounded in the midst of Challenge and Hopelessness. I have begun to believe that failure has the ability to lure success.Countless failures are like the doorkeepers to success and everytime you walk through the door the gate gets bigger and from there arises the term 'Flood gates of opportunity'.We need to chase and embody everything that takes responsibility of us getting to our goal and letting us in. To RIGHTFULLY live and RIGHTFULLY learn from the experience.

And so in other words...If you've never failed...you've never lived.

Texting Out Loud...untill next time then.

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