Crying Is Not A Sign Of Weakness.

Hello fellow steemians, welcome to my blog, I penned this down last night and felt I should share with my friends here. Do have a nice read.

Growing up we were told crying is a sign of weakness, we are told that adults don't cry, often times as kids, if we cried, our parents would try to stop us by saying big girls/boys don't cry.
We grew up with this mentality that big boys/girls don't cry, most times we find ourselves in situations where we direly need to cry, we surpress it in, in a bid to act matured.
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Crying is caused by many things, could be because of pain, trauma, abuse, maltreatment and other related factors.
At the same time one could cry out of joy/happiness, could be because he/she passed a difficult exam, being proposed to by the love of your life or getting your dream house/car.
Crying depicts many things, it's a Subtle way of emotional display, it's a way of getting relieved of pain,
It's unhealthy to bottle up all of one's emotions when you can easily let it all out by letting the tears flow.
Sadly, many people mistake crying to be just a sign of weakness, hence they bottle up every thing.
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I remember when my friend Freddy lost his only brother, John.
John was his ally and confidant, they did everything together.
John was in a hit and run accident, it didn't look good, his head was bashed and one side of his face was gone, Infact him surviving would have been a miracle.
I was with Freddy when he received the horrible news. I watched him cringe, trying to hide the pain, I know that pain and I can recognize it anytime - the pain of losing a loved one. I felt same when I lost my favorite cousin.
I watched him closely, head bent, hands clasped and right foot stamping.
I shifted close to him and patted him on the back slowly, by the time he lifted up his face, tears had already welled up. He tightened his face to a grimace, trying to prevent the tears from dropping by all means.

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I told him it was okay to cry, sometimes it's okay to let it all out. Let the tears dilute some of the pain. Immediately, as though a cry-button was pressed, he started sobbing and gradually it materialized into wailing. A neccesary one.
I know what he was trying to do, he was trying to act like a man and not show weakness.
This is always the scenario with most men, they don't cry when they should. Which is wrong.
What are you going through? Pain? Depression? Heartbreak? Failure?

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Most times you find yourself breaking down in tears, and you think that makes you weak, no it doesn't, it shows that you're human.
It's not healthy to pent up tears and emotions, it clogs the mind. Crying takes all of that away and makes your mind free, in that case you can think of solutions.
Once again, crying is not a sign of weakness.

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Enjoy the rest of your day.

Peace out ✌✌


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